Chapter 16

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Ji Hoo really took Geum Jan Di's words and flew to paris france tailing behind Min Seo Hyun on to the same flight as hers and now there plane is about to land and many things are crossing on Ji Hoo's mind but one thing his sure he's willing to do everything just to prove to Seo Hyun that his intensions for her is pure and clear but days past since they both arrive in paris things hasnt change not even a bit it seems gotten worse than the rejection he has recive from her back there in korea for since Seo Hyun figures out his prescence in paris her ignorance of her to him got on its best as she been pre occiupied by her work and time studies they hadnt had a chance to had a real talk  Ji Hoo started to see the so called big change between him and Seo Hyun his childhood and first love;
One day Yun Ji Hoo to take things in action as he couldnt take anymore the ignorance the women he love giving on him

Seo Hyun is in her study room when suddenly Ji Hoo enters in she already use to his presence as he only lives the apartment next door to hers acctually the truth is Min Seo Hyun was supraise upon seeing Ji Hoo in paris upon knowing the reason of him for going was her as he says he wanted another chabce with her and that he wont be giving up that easily

   " Flashback"
To all passenagers please fasen your seatbelts soon will be landing in paris one of the flight attendance says over the intercome not long we finnaly arrive after as soon as i step out of the aiport i took a train ride to my apartment i already seatle eveything needed to be done for my plan from finishing my modeling contract and other work related obligations moving to smaller and simpler apartment and enrolling myself to a law school and applying for a commonly type of job all is for my plan of living a normal and simple all needed to do is to seatle things back home in korea and thats what i did i went back and end everything that has to be done and end but i didnt expect this to happen i know ive had hurt Ji Hoo about my plan of ending and leaving behind everthing i had the luxuorious life to have a simple life all alone meaning including him it was easy for him to understand that he is part of the things i wanna leave behind even it was never meant to be in that kind of way it steal turns out that way it hurts for me too to see him hurt but i have no other way after seeing him being in love with somebody else it hurts me even he says he is not so but truth is his just unaware of it and me wanted him to be happy will help realise it and i thought i did but after seeing him here in paris and that here all because of me i know for sure he will let it go that easily and i was right his being presistent in his intensions over me i see it clearly but i try so hard to ignore it and pretend he not there i know i hurt him even more cause of my action but i just have and keep hoping he will be teird and give up go back to korea but still he seems doesnt plan to cause here he is wanting to talk to me

Flashback Ends

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