Chapter 8

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You run through the mall with your heart pounding in your ears. What if Tyler had tried to-

Your thoughts are cut off by a screaming Mark. "(Y/N)!! Wait!"

You slow down just enough to let him catch up. You had to get to Tyler.

"(Y/N). You need to know what's going on first."

"Mark. I need to see him and make sure he's okay. Tell me the details when you come to pick me up."

You scribble down your a dress before restarting the journey to your car.

Once you reach the parking lot, you break into a sprint. You don't know where all of this insurance was coming from. When someone you loved was in danger, it felt like you could run until you got to them.

You quickly unlock your car and rip open the door. The roar of the engine comes to life and you exhale. You needed to calm down. You take a second to regain composure before backing out.

The drive home is anything but relaxing. Without the radio on, your thoughts race around all the possible things that could be wrong. You can feel the blood pumping through your veins urging you to go faster.

. . .

"Cmon Mark.. Where the hell are you?" You mumble. You bounce on your toes slightly and the backpack you have on bounces with you. You've packed everything and now you just need Mark to take you to Tyler.

He finally pulls up and you open the passenger side door. You throw in your backpack and sit down.

"Tell me what's going on." You say while shutting the door and bucking in.

"Tyler was rehearsing with Josh on the venue stage, and he broke down. We haven't been able to find him. We don't know where he is or why he broke down or what he's doing. We figured you knew him pretty well and could help Josh."

"I-I can do that." You say before taking out your phone. You then remember a text from Tyler. You shakily unlock your phone and read the message.

Tyler: goner.

"Mark, speed the hell up. I need to get to him please. Please Mark I ca-"

"(Y/N)! Calm down. You being hysterical isn't going to help anyone."

You take a deep breath and calm your nerves. The drive was going to be long.

You: Tyler.. Where are you?

You try to reach out to him and see if you can get any information on where he is.

Tyler: where you didn't know who I was.

"Mark! Stop the car."

He slams on the breaks and you jump out of the car.

"(Y/N)!! What the hell? Get back in here!" You hear him start the car but he stopped relatively close to the park. You sprint and feel the pain blossom in your stomach. Your feet slam against the pavement as you get closer to Tyler.
You run along the edge of the park to get to the entrance and see a lone figure heading towards the forest.

"Tyler!" You scream at the top of your lungs. It doesn't sound like you. It sounds desperate and scratchy. Like you're screaming for something that you won't reach.

The figure stops and hesitates before continuing towards the trees.

"Tyler!" You scream louder somehow. You dash down the hill into the field. Is small frame is almost completely swallowed by the trees. He moves silently. Like a ghost he somehow vanishes into the green.

"Please!" Your voice breaks and you cough dryly. You push your feet to go faster and push through the trees. Your feet crush the branches like your heart crushes your ribs trying to beg you to stop.

You didn't notice the path small pathway he must have taken until now. It didn't look like it was created by the park. It looked like it had just been walked on countless times. You slow down when you see the path coming to an end. Tyler is sitting at the base of a tree that has a rope hanging down from it.

"Tyler? Hey. What's going on?" You sit on your knees to be at his height and unwrap his arms from around his body.

"I-I feel numb." He mumbles out.

You look him in his soft brown eyes before pulling him in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry." You whisper into his shoulder.

IM NOT DEAD ANYMORE HELLO MY ANGELS. Anyways, I'm leaving this chapter at kind of a cliff hanger 😈😈 but I actually know what I have planned ahead so. I hope you enjoyed!!

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