Lord Death The Kid

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~Maka's POV~

It's been two weeks since Kid's out burst. Raven, Asher and Kid are still in a coma. Raven was out of her body too long but she made it just in time. Asher lost a lot of blood. Kid.....well, no one knows what's going on with him. He's perfectly healed and yet, he hasn't awaken either.

Max and I haven't left the infirmary room in the past week. Max sat next to his dad and tried to wake him but it was in vain. Alex would come in and stay once in a while. Every time he did come, he would be expressionless. I knew, deep down, that he wanted to comfort me and Max but he was scared that he would cry as well.

Liz was a complete wreak. She cried every time she walked in. She sat by Asher and cried until she couldn't. Soul would come in and try to stop her but he would also burst into tears over his son. He'd blame himself for not getting there in time. Chelsea held her brother's hand while Patty held his other hand.

I couldn't cry anymore. I lost it when I saw the condition Raven was in. She bled and had a hole in her stomach, mostly due to a dark needle or something. Papa and Mama were on both sides of Raven, holding her hands. Papa cried more than anybody else, minus Liz.

Blackstar, Tsubaki, Sid and Sakura came in and sat down in the crowed room. Stein, Marie, Vesta (Who's Now Whole, Not A Spirit) and Lord Death came in afterwards. Lord Death didn't have his cloak and mask on. Instead, he looked like Kid and the children, just older. He had a tan suit on with brown shoes and his hair lines were fully connected.

No one dare to question his look. Lord Death and Vesta didn't know what to do for his granddaughter and son.

Lord Death, Vesta and Alex looked at each other and nodded. Alex then stood and went to grab his book bag, grabbing a book out of it.

"Mom, I'm gonna try something." He said, opening the book to certain page and walking towards Asher, putting his hand over Asher's wound. "Vulneris. Esto vigilans, et ens!" He spoke in Latin, reading off if the book. His hand started to glow green. Asher then popped up.

"What the hell!? Where am I?" He yelled. Liz and Soul jumped on him and hugged their son tightly. Patty hugged her nephew tightly as well.

"MY BABY BOY! YOURE ALRIGHT!" Liz and Soul yelled together. Alex then made his way towards Raven. Before he did anything else, he turned around and laughed. We all gave him a puzzled look.

"I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think that would work. That's why I did it on him first." He said through his laughs. Liz and Soul gave him death glares. He gulped and went towards Raven. "Vulneris. Esto vigilans, et ens!" Raven then opened her eyes.

"What's going on? Wait, dad!" She sat up but Papa and Mama held her down.

"Raven, it's alright. Your father is right there." Mama said, pointing towards Kid. "Two out of three." She whispered. Alex made his way towards Kid but Vesta and Lord Death stopped him. We all gave them puzzled looks this time.

"Kid, you know it's time to wake up." Lord Death said, not in his usual goofy tone. Kid suddenly spoke for the first time.

"You know I can't." He muttered, still having his eyes closed and laid on the bed.

"KID!" We all yelled. He didn't move though. Lord Death and Vesta stood on both sides of him.

"Kid, get up. It's time." They both said. He still didn't move. Instead, tears fell from his closed. He then gripped the sheets on the bed.

"I can't. I won't." He muttered again. His parents sighed.

"What the hell is going on?" Blackstar snapped at the three gods. The parents sighed.

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