Have you ever wanted to get invisible?... - I guess some of you Have! :) ...
But after watching This you'll realize that it's not such a good idea! ^_~
The main characters of this episode are two brothers: Max & Noah Thompson who find a mirror in the attic. But it's not just a regular mirror - it's another 'strange object that works other than usual' as we could see in some other Goosebumps episodes before. So what does this mirror do? - It turns its users Invisible! - They disappear after standing in front of that old mirror & pulling the light's chain attached to it!
& here the other side of the mirror is not 'Wonderland'! - cause there are evil mirror reflexions living there & trying to switch with those who use that mirror! Will they manage?... - Let's find it out.
And pay attention to what Noah says at the beginning: 'Left-handers rule!' ( You will see why I asked for that when you watch the full episode! ^_~ ) :
Let's watch the Goosebumps series together again
SonstigesI'm going to try to collect all the Goosebumps series episodes here in the right order & describe them for All the Goosebumps Fans that want to watch them again!