Chapter 3: The Slenderman

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You're P.O.V

You shot up from your bed falling off. You breathed heavily, you looked around and you were in your room luckily. "Just a dream... I thought I was for real taken by that tall dude" you whispered to yourself laying back your head. Ring Ring

You panicked when all of the sudden your phone started vibrating, you answered it, "Hello?" You looked at the time and it was 3:17 am.. "Is this (Y/n)? (Parents name)'s (son/daughter)?" "Mhm, yeah." You mumbled still really tired.

"I'm sorry to wake you up, but..."

As you were listening all of the sudden your eyes widened... "W-what?" Your voice was shaky..

"I'm sorry (Y/n) .. But your parents died in an air plane crash... We're sorry for your loss, goodnight"

You hanged up and started to cry, "N-no..." You voice was unsteady. You Threw your phone across your room and pulled your knees to your chest and stayed like that. "Why?..."

"I'm sorry child. Let me help you" You were soon pulled apart by a tall creature, when you looked up you saw it was the slender monster. You were too sad to even (Yell/Scream) or run away. All you wanted to do was cry and do nothing. "Leave me alone.."

"Come with me, Child. I must take you with me." You shivered at his sinister voice. "I don't want to go no where..."

Black out •••••

Your P.O.V

"Is (He/She) dead?"

"Don't be stupid!"

"(He/She) isn't moving"

"Shh! I think I saw (Him/Her) move"



You opened your eyes slowly and saw Toby, Jeff, BEN, and E.j around the bed you were laying in, "W-where am I?" You asked getting up and looking at the room you were in. "Our home" E.j said helping you up.

You opened your eyes fully and saw you were in a (Favorite color) and black room. It was nice. "Your house?" You asked them confused. "Welcome to the Slender Mansion!" Jeff and Toby sang out, "This is your room, (Y/n)" BEN announced.

You laughed, "No.. I must be dreaming, i'm still home, he didn't took me, and my parents aren't dead" you laughed to yourself, sounding really insane. "Yeaaah, about that. We took you in.. Are the cops looking for (Him/Her)?" BEN turned around to look at Toby who he shrugged.

"W-what?" You were really confused.
"The others are here as well, but Slender Man wants to see you." Jeff said grabbing your hand and started to head out the room.

"Who's Slender Man?" You said following behind.

"The boss.. I really don't listen to him, though" He responded.

You looked around the whole mansion, it was pretty cool. As you two reached the stairs you went down stairs, seeing Masky and Hoodie on the kitchen, Jane and Sally playing, and L.j eating candy in a corner.

You waved at them which they waved back happily that you were alive.

"Okay here it is, this is Slender Man's office. If you ever have any questions.. You could go here. BUT IT'S BETTER TO ASK ME!" He said running off to find BEN.

You watched him disappear into the halls of the mansion. "Okay.." You took a deep breath and knocked on the big black door that read 'Office' in it.

"Come in, please" you could hear him call out from inside. With all your courage you opened the door to see Slender Man sitting in his office chair behind his big desk. "Ah, (Y/n) child. How are you feeling?" He asked putting his pen down, judging from the angle you were in he seemed to be smiling... 'It's hard to tell weather he's smiling or not' you said to yourself.

"I'm feeling okay.." You awkwardly shrugged.

"Good!" Soon some tentacles wrap you around and placed you in a chair facing him.

"Now, as you can see your family is dead now, correct?" You looked down, 'How does he not care?..' You thought. "But, you can stay here as long as you want, or even forever."
He clapped his hands waiting for an answer. "Um.. Okay" you said not even realizing what you were doing.

"Great! Now I want you to look after the Creepypastas until I get back, okay?" "Wait where are you going?" You said confused. "I must find out what caused the little accident between the.. Kids." He wasn't sure to either say 'Creepypastas' or 'Children'

"Wait! I'm not looking after a group of tiny killers! I don't even know how to babysit" You said getting up.

"Yes you are (Y/n). They chose you to be next, the next to join us" He said before teleporting away and leaving no trace behind.

"Chose?" You stayed there confused.


"STOP! THAT'S MINE!!!" Yelling could be heard from out the door.

"Oh boy.. This is going to be tough..."
You mumbled to yourself.

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