Chapter 16: This Was a Bad Idea

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Slenderman's P.O.V~

We teleported in The Underworld.

(Y/n)'s never seen this place so by the look on (His/Her) face.. (He/She) was nervous.

I'll protect (Him/Her).

"What's the plan No-Face?" Jeff walked next to me.

I sighed in annoyance, "Jeff, you, E.J, and Liu take on the outside. I trust you in charge" I explained.

Jeff nodded and signaled for E.J and Liu to follow him.

The three of them took off running to the burning trees.

"Masky, you and Hoodie take on look out"

They both nodded and separated.

I looked at L.J, Jane, and BEN.

"You three be back up for Jeff, E.J, and Liu. Jane you're in charge"

She nodded and jogged to Jeff's direction.

I stopped BEN, "BEN alert them to get as many as bottles as they can"

He nodded and teleported there.

I finally turned to look at Toby and (Y/n), "You two will be by my side"

Toby's expression changed, "Why didn't you let me go with Masky and Hoodie?"

I ignored him but that made him whine more. Slowly I began to get angry.

(Y/n) noticed and smacked him in the back of his head to make him be quiet.

It worked but soon enough they began to tackle each other down and fight.


They quickly stood up and didn't say anything.

"IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!" I repeated myself.

"Yes sir" They whispered.

I breathed in.

I took them both by my tentacles and they both held on to them, "We're going to teleport to every place in this hell place. If you two see anything suspicious tell me, understood?"

They nodded, "Then here we go"

We teleported into a small room that had scattered ritual objects everywhere, I pulled away and began to look through the objects.

The two kids looked at me and quickly got the idea and ran opposite ways to find bottles or weapons.

Zalgo's P.O.V~

"We have guests" My demon assistants ran to inform me.

I smirked, "Creepypastas?"

"Yes sir they are all over the place. Slenderman is with both the kids, Toby and (Y/n)."

I clapped, "Haha, I am concerned about (Y/n). We can keep (Him/Her) since (Y/n)'s is well taken care of. Take (Y/n) and bring (Him/Her) to me.


Slenderman's P.O.V~

"Also if you find the remaining 2 bottles remember to break them" I looked behind me and they were both searching the whole place.

I decided to look somewhere else but before I could I heard Toby scream.

I quickly took action and something carried him out the room.

"Toby!" (Y/n) chased after him.

"(Y/n)!" I chased after the two now.

"Put me down I'll kill you!" Toby started to kiddie slap the demon that carried him down the dark hallways. (Y/n) still chased after the two while I tried my best to get Toby back.

(Y/n) stopped running and took off (His/Her) shoe.

"Put your shoes on! You could step on something and hurt yourself!" I called out. (He/She) didn't listen to what I had to say instead (He/She) stopped on (His/Her) tracks and jumped on me, "Run Slendy! Get me as close as you can to him!" (He/She) demanded.

I did as (He/She) told me to, "Put your shoes on-"

(Y/n) aimed (His/Her) shoe to the demon and hit him right in the back of his head. "Ow what the fuck!" He rubbed where he was hit but continued running.

"(Y/n)! Throw your other shoe!" Toby hyped (Him/Her) up.

But instead of throwing another shoe (Y/n) decided to jump from my back towards the demon.

It worked and he fell causing Toby to fall too.

Toby quickly stood up and tackled him down and pretty much the kids were stepping and kicking him down, "Kids!" They kept beating him up and yelling things like, "Don't mess with us!"

I took notice and wrapped the figure around with my tentacles, "Where is Zalgo?" I said in a sinister dark voice.

"I won't tell you anything!" He struggled to be free.

"Where. Is. He." I began to tighten around him.

He struggled.

He still didn't say anything, "Then I suppose I'd have to kill you then" I was starting to kill him slowly.

(Y/n) covered (His/Her) eyes while Toby began to "hype" me up now. He breathed his last breath before managing to say, "T-The kid- (Y-(Y-).."



"Um I think he wanted to say something" (Y/n) broke the silence that filled the hallway. Toby just cheered. "I'll find him don't worry I won't let anything happen to you" I got up and carried both of them, "Let's go somewhere else."

Jeff's P.O.V~

We got surrounded by many demons.

I took one side, while the others took the other.

"Liu watch out!" I called out to Liu. E.J took notice and killed the demon who was ready to attack him.

"There's too many Jeff" E.J whispered.

Liu knew that there was a lot.

"Fuck then what do we do?"

Before anything could happen Jane's team came up to help us. I wasn't surprised instead I was annoyed, "Wow aren't you always late" I spat. Jane glared at me and zoon enough we killed as many demons as we could.

"Fall back!" The demons shouted.

And they all retrieved.

"I hope Toby and (Y/n) are safe.." I muttered.

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