The difference between life and afterlife

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Note: I'm really liking how this story is coming along I promise it'll get more interesting I just need to set the basics first!! If you have any suggestions comment them below! :)

*Dans pov*
I was sitting cross legged on the bed still trying to understand what was happening. I already know what's happening I'm aware of how crazy this is it's just such an odd thing and I never really thought what I'd do ahead of time because I avoided thinking abut death while I was alive it's just so new and it's almost as if it's too much for my brain to comprehend. Hopefully I'll become less overwhelmed as time goes on.
James said that once Phil woke up he'd try to get him to come and see me if he wanted but that was almost an hour ago maybe phil's still asleep. I wonder how long some one has been in that state? How long could they possibly be like that? How long was I like that? I don't even know it could've been years or just a few hours I genuinely don't know but I should make sure to ask  James when I see him again.
I heard the door click open which took me out of my thoughts and just as I turned my head Phil and James walked in. I felt so relived it's hard to explain I was just so happy to see Phil again I guess, maybe I subconsciously thought he was dead because the last time I saw him we were still human. Are we still considered human now? I guess not considering we're not particularly alive anymore.
I ran towards Phil and wrapped my arms around him all in one fast movement he did the same thing to me and we both fell to the ground from all the force. We sat there hugging each other for what felt like hours until he finally pulled away and said " I love you so much"
I whipped away his tears as well as my own and whispered "I love you more" before passionately kissing him.

*time skip thing OoOO now its been like an hour oOo*

Once we finally finished being sappy and had covered basically all that we wanted to talk about James said that he needed to explain a few things to us because "the after life world wasn't all rainbows and happiness."
"You see, the rules have changed quite a lot these past few years you can't really sin unless you do some thing terrible like kill some one and it seemed great at first because it meant we were being more acceptable to people and how unique they are but it wasn't, you see lucifer grew angrier as we grew happier because he was running out of demons to do his dirty work and to keep hell running and well his solution to that problem is terrible are you prepared to know? It's scary."
Obviously I was never going to be prepared to listen as its probably very horrid but I can't avoid it I have to listen eventually. I looked at Phil, he looked terrified too but we both nodded anyways.
"Okay..." James said taking a deep breath.
" lucifer found a way to disguise his demons as angels and he always sends them here. Demons lurk around dressed as angels and they track down the purest angels and become friends with them and once they have them alone they kidnap them and bring them to hell and, well they force their souls to turn dark. Basically they find the purest angels and turn them into demons because they're the easiest to change."
"Wow." Phil said. I looked over at him, he looked extremely surprised I've never seen such a stunned looked on his face in all my life. I couldn't blame him I didn't know what to say either that was a lot to take in.
"Yeah." James said.
"It gets worse would you like to hear it or wait a bit? It's a lot to take in." He politely asked.
"Can we just get it over with" I asked and Phil nodded.
"Okay." James said taking a deep breath.
"What you guys know as demons are likely horrific but real demons are worse. You see they look exactly like angels except they have black wings, red eyes, and fangs. They feed off human blood to live and constantly visit the human world to party and feed. They kill for fun. They even lack empathy and are basically the worse creature to ever exist."
"Th-th- that i-is um" Phil stumbled on his worlds looking down and biting his nail.
"How often do angels get turned into demons? It's rare right?" I asked worriedly I didn't want anything to separate me or Phil.
James bit his lip and said "we lose hundreds of angels everyday. It's very very common."
"Can we talk about some thing else? Like how does this world work for example?" Phil asked desperately wanting to change the topic.
"Yeah yeah I understand and I'm truly sorry I shouldn't of told you about that first. The world works the same every one works and lives their life the only real difference is the whole demon issue, the fact that we all live forever, and we can do more things since we can fly and never die. Saying that remember you can get hurt and if you lose your wings they won't magically grow back so you do have to be carful but we're not as fragile as humans are." James said.
"That's really comforting I thought maybe life would be boring and we'd have to worry about satan forever" I said with a laugh.
"I mean we do have to worry but it doesn't stop us from having fun" James said smiling.
"Wait so when do we get out? I mean like to live like when do we get a job and stuff" phil asked.
"Oh you don't have to get a job no one has to eat or anything to live it's more of a fun thing that people do. People get bored so they work and we eat because we like the taste of things. You can get a house for free whenever you're ready."James replied.
"That's fucking fantastic finally" I said smiling widely, James and Phil both laughed.
"I want to see what the world is like do you want to leave?" Phil asked excitedly.
"Aren't  you scared?" I asked
"Yeah but I'm more excited." He smiled
"If you say so." I said sarcastically. And with that we asked for a house and began our life together.

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