Asia POV
I just saw trin walk out the room . That's it imma beat this bitch ass . I got up and she was laughing her ass off and I said " don't nobody fuck with my best friends " and she said "girl woo " and I got mad and pulled that mopped ass ponytail off her head she had no type of hair . Her ponytail was a. Size of a shrimp I started cracking up she start crying and put on her hood. Her friend nesha walked to me like "bitch me and you " I sharkeisha ' Ed her ass and got on top on her and beat her motherfucking head in . I walked in the hallway to find trin she was walking down the hall crying i said "girl he ain't worth it " hugging her . she said "ready to beat some ass "with a smile ! I GOT MY BITCH BACK WE BOUT TO WHOOP ALL THEY ASSES!!