Chapter 1: In the Woods

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💔America's Point of View💔   

When I came to, I felt like someone was carrying me. I opened my eyes and lifted my head to be greeted with the man who got me out of the safe room. I remember his name now. Kyle Saven.

"Looks like you're up Miss." he said.

"You can just call me America." I grimaced, feeling the pain from my shoulder. I must've landed on it harder than I thought.

"Don't worry." Kyle started to say. "That can be taken care of as soon as we arrive at camp."

"Where are we right now?" I asked, feeling confused about my surroundings.

"We're in the forest right now. We're almost at our mode of transportation. Just about a half mile left." he responded.

"Well," I started to ask, "Where's the base camp?"

"I don't know if I should say out here in the forest, but I guess I can." Kyle explained. "The camp is near the point of the three borders of Atlin, Columbia, and Saint George. Up in the North."

"Oh." I said. "So how long does it take you to travel all the way down here?"

"Sometimes we travel by foot, but sometimes we travel by horse. If it's by horse, I say maybe 3 days? It all depends on what happens on the way down or what path we're taking. On foot, it takes maybe a week? Again, it all depends on what happens." Kyle explained.

Since my curiosity perked up inside me I decided to ask and talk to him until we reached our mode of transportation.

"So, what are we traveling in? How did you find me?" I asked, feeling curious.

Kyle replied, "Well, we're going to travel by horse and there'll be a few people there waiting for us. As for finding you, August and Georgia told me."

"Oh." I said quietly, looking down at the ground. "I know they might be dead, but what did you do alongside them?" I added.

"Are you sure you want to know?" he asked, knowing if I truly wanted to hear it."

I took a deep breath then answered, "Yes."

So he did explain to me what he did alongside August and Georgia's last moments.

♔Afterwards: Shattered-#2♔ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now