The Fighting

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This chapter may contain a bad words i warned you :p
(Astris P.O.V)
I wake up felling something on my neck then i saw the necklace that Hiccup bough it to me so i smiled then i get up from the bed and walk down there where i found Hiccup laying on the couch watching T.V
"Good morning!" I said
"Ah good morning you finally decided to wake up" he said with smile
"Yeah yeah whatever so what you want to do today ?" I ask
"Well i don't know sens we are here how about we finish our project you know tomorrow we need to present it so what do u say ?"
"Good well let me take my breakfast first"
"Yeah yeah of course" 
"Oh by the way Hiccup i want to say thanks for this gift it mean a lot for me" i told him
"You're welcome that's nothing that was the least i can do Astrid"
Then i kissed his cheek really quickly and run off to the kitchen letting him dumbfounded and blushing.
After we ate we start working on the project and after 4 hours non stopping we finally finish it and i hope it will get us an A
"Ughh i'm hungrey" i heard Hiccup say
"Eh what ?" I ask him
"I'm starving to death"
"You just ate about 6 pancacke 3 cups of coffe and one giant sandwich"
"I know but that was 4 hours earlier"'
Ah man he's killing me but he's so cute when he act like a little kid
"You know what I'll command a pizza"
"Ugh fine"
Then he commanded his pizza and we ate it
"Now what?" I asked him
"Do you want to play video games ?"
"Oky why not"
"So wich type of game you like"
"Ehmm well i like war games, combat, adventure and racing games but mostly war games"
"Ah you mean like call of duty and battlefield ?"
"Yup those but the last call of duty and battlefield games i played was the BLACK OPS II and BF3"
"Well wich one do you wanna play Call of duty infinite warfare, Call of duty Modern Warfare remastered or Battlefield one"
"Wow you have the new games?"
"Well i'll go for the C.O.D MW remastered because cod is my favorite cod is love cod is life"
I said
"Hhhhhhh mine too well let's start then"
Then he start up his Ps4 Slim and we start playing.
Man he's so good he know all the trickshots, 360, quickscooping, halfscooping, hardscooping and many other moves and skills he beat me 10 time i beat him 7 time and we draw 3 matches and when we played the on line multiplayer he always end up the first this guy is a killing machine on cod i wonder if there's someone who can beat this monster or should i say TheNightFury many people know him as TheNightFury in every multiplayer Game and for my name i always known as the deadly nadder well don't ask me how did i get that name :3
"Yes i won i beat all of you" and that was Hiccup screaming
"Yeah you really good at this game"
"Of course i am and you too. You really know how to play this game with all honesty you are a pro gamer Astrid i didn't know that you will be that good" he said i punched him in the arm and said
"Well thanks but i'm not good as you i mean you know every trickshot and you have all the skills man"
"Well what about i show them all to you and make you learn them"
"Really?" I ask
"Yeah besides we don't have something else to do"
"Thank you so much"
"So let's start"
And we stayed all the day playing video-games and making me learn many skills in many video game like
Call of duty, Battlefield, Mortal combat, Need for speed, Fifa ect... And he have all the new games like Call of duty infite warfare + MW , battlefield 1, Fifa 17, Mortal combat X, Uncharted 4, the raise of tomb raider, Grand theft Auto 5 Redux on his pc, Mafia III, Just cause 3, Watch dogs 2 and many many other new video games (A/N: i know some of this games didn't realised yet but just act like they do :3)
And now it's 9pm and tomorrow we have school so we decided to go to bed.

I was walking in the street to my house suddenly i saw all the house burn to ashes and then saw my mom laying dead on the floor then every thing went black (A/N: i know i was terrible at this thing :3)
*Ebd of the Nightmare*
"MOM !!!!" I wake up feeling tears are forming on my eyes and there was a really bad storm outside
"Astrid are you okey i hear you screaming" Hiccup run to me
"Yeah fine it's just a nightmare i really miss my mother"
"She'll be fine Astrid and i know your feeling i always miss my dad so why you just back to sleep"
"Okay i'll try"
"Good now if u need anything you know where to find me" he said but before he reach the door i siad "hey Hiccup can you please stay this night with me it will make me better"
"O okay?"
Then he hoped on the bed and slept beside me.
(Hiccup P.O.V)
I wake up in the early morning at 5am and it's still raining but when i tried to move i felt something holding me when i looked i saw Astrid cuddeling in me her head on my chest her arms are around my waist and she look sleeping in peace i blushed a little then i kissed her forhead and i saw a little smile that formed on her mouth and i smiled too then i went back to sleep .
(Astrid P.O.V)
I wake up and i saw my self that i'm holding on Hiccup really hard i blushed until my face turned so red that the tomato will be jealous of me so i moved my self and get up from the bed and went to the bathroom wash my face bruch my teeth fix my hair take my clothes on and exit the bathroom and i saw Hiccup that he already awake "good morning" i said
"Good morning to you too" he replied then he get him self ready and we exited the house  and i followed him to a car but not his camro it was Audi S8 Plus 😮

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