Christian Theology | Community Guidelines

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Christian Theology is a ROBLOX community which enjoys spiritual debate and fellowship based on philosophy and the Bible. This forum was made to fulfill a complete understanding of our group and its requirements.

(1) Protestant-Based

Our community adheres to the beliefs of Protestantism and for this reason does not adopt Roman Catholic or Christian Orthodox theology. This is not our way to undermine Catholicism as being any less Christian; our goal is to keep our debaters with a similar basis of argument:

• The Bible is the ultimate authority. (Revelation 22:18-19, Psalms 119:160, 2 Timothy 3:15-16, Matthew 4:4)

• Jesus Christ atoned for every believers' sins through crucifixion. (John 3:16, Hebrews 2:9, 1 Corinthians 15:3)

• The confession of sins is through Jesus Christ alone. (Psalms 32:5, James 4:7-10, John 1:12)

• We believe that God is a triune unity with the Father, Son, & the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19, 1 John 5:7-8, Colossians 2:9, John 10:30, Genesis 1:26, Philippians 2:5-8)

We do not accept the Church of Later-Day Saints [Mormonism], Unitarian Universalism, or other theologies as we believe they are heresy. If there is a theological position not already included in Christian Theology that you believe is Biblical, please PM Prevatic regarding your complaints. This is not a guarantee that your theology will be added as a rank in Christian Theology.

(2) Debating

We hold the belief that debate is only important when it comes to helping skeptics and believers understand the Bible as well as our faith. We do not believe debate is an excuse to speak wrongfully of others; we desire to respect one another since it is clear that it is by faith in Jesus we are saved.

We believe that God never intended for us to divide between denominations but to remain united as one (1 Corinthians 1:12). The church of Christ does not consist of only one interpretation of the Bible but for anyone who believes (Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 5:23-25). However, there is a reason we were given the Bible which was out of needed interpretation to understand what we believe. We must be able to debate for the purpose of education for ourselves and others, not as a tool for hatred or indifference (2 Timothy 2:23).

"I used to be heavily against debating; however, I've come to understand overtime that it can be very helpful if approached Biblically." — Prevatic, Owner of Christian Theology

(3) Ranks

If a Community Member would like to be ranked to their appropriate theology, this can be done upon request through PM (private messaging) a Moderator or the Owner. If you post a request on the Group Wall, we may miss your request. Moderator positions are only chosen upon private invitation from the Owner of Christian Theology Prevatic. Here's a little information about each belief to see which one you adhere:

Impartial : An Impartial Theologian takes no specific position. Impartial Theologians often believe in elements of both Arminianism and Calvinism. In some cases, Impartial Theologians may consider themselves "leaning" more towards one position than another. Either way, Impartial Theologians accept that all people who believe in Jesus as Lord will be saved. Many non-denominational churches don't have a position on theology; however, an impartial approach to theology is usually one made by a person's understanding of Scripture.

Arminian : An Arminian Theologian greatly acknowledges God's Grace. Arminians believe anyone can choose God through human choice. Arminians point to verses such as John 3:16 for the atonement and salvation of anyone who freely believes. Most churches that accept Arminianism include Methodists, Churches of Christ, Seventh-Day Adventists, Lutherans, as well as some Baptists.

[4P] Calvinist : A 4-Point or Moderate Calvinistic Theologian believes in four of the five original points of John Calvin's TULIP: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Irresistible Grace, & Perseverance of the Saints. 4-Point Calvinists greatly acknowledge God's Sovereignty while also believing in unlimited atonement. 4-Point Calvinists look to verses such as 1 John 2:2 for the atonement of humanity lacking limits. 4-Point Calvinists believe God must have elected some humans to pursue Him since humanity is fallen in nature. Most churches that accept 4-Point Calvinism include Independent Churches, Baptists, and some Presbyterians.

[5P] Calvinist : A 5-Point Calvinistic or Reformed Theologian believes in all five points of John Calvin's TULIP: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, & Perseverance of the Saints. 5-Point Calvinists greatly acknowledge God's Sovereignty apart from any human understanding of Him. 5-Point Calvinists look to verses such as Ephesians 1:4-5 in belief that God elected some humans to pursue Him. Calvinists believe it was only necessary that Jesus atoned for those who the Father foreknew would find His Mercy irresistible. Most churches that accept 5-Point Calvinism include Reformed Baptists, Presbyterians, and the United Church of Christ.

(4) Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the details of this Guide, please contact the Owner of Christian Theology Prevatic. If you have interest in being apart of our Moderators, please send a PM regarding your qualifications for the position as well as your theology. This does NOT mean you will be accepted; our decision to choose a particular person is out of careful consideration.

Thank you for your time and we welcome you to Christian Theology!


Prevatic, Owner of Christian Theology

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