Part 2

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     When I take a closer inspection, I realize the door isn’t  a room, but a small closet. Inside the closet the space was occupied by one wooden shelf. It’s stocked with with one bottle, and inside that bottle there seems to be an abundance of pills

     I picked up the bottle to inspect it. Most of the clear blue glass the bottle was made of was covered up by a label. The label looked to be hand written in a lazy scrawl, so it’s hard to make out the words. When I finally decipher the writing, I’m surprised. I mean it’s not everyday you find a bottle of pain killers in an old bottle, behind a tiny door, in your basement…

     After giving it some thought, I decide to open the  bottle. What’s the worst that could happen? I put my hand on the lid and to try and open it, but the lid is stuck. I put more pressure behind my grip and eventually the lid starts to turn. I’m gently removing the bottle when my hand start to sweat again.

     My thoughts are of the doctor that use to live in this house. I’m trying to remember what his specialty was. Hopefully nothing to weird.

     I dump some of he pills from the bottle onto my hand. The cream colored tablets rolled around in my hand while I considered the possibility of the doctor storing away pills.

     After I’ve inspected the bottle, pills, and door I’ve learned a few things. The pills are probably left from the doctor, and I’m hungry. I can at least fix one of my problems, so I get up from the floor and work my way to the kitchen.

     While rummaging through the cabinets, Scarlet comes into the kitchen. S wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt. She definitely got her looks from Mom. Back in Michigan I was told multiple times how hot my sister was by my friends. And don’t even let me get started on when my friends came over to chill at my house. I could literally see the drool running out of their mouths when either Scarlet or Mom walked into he room. I mean, I suppose they’re both kinda good looking, but they're  my family. That’s just weird to think about.

     “What are  Scarlet asked nosily.

     “Setting up secret cameras,” I reply sarcastically.

     “Whatever. Why are you hungry? We just ate,” she interrogated.

     “You just ate. I had part of a piece of pizza then went to go find Tylenol because some people can't stop screaming,” I say with a sharp tone.

     “Geez! Ok then Mr. Grumpy Pants. There’s some leftover pizza in the fridge if you want it,” she said cautiously as Mom walked into the room.

     “Do you know where the box is that has the stuff for the bathroom in it is?” Mom asked to no one in particular.

     “No. I was looking for it earlier, but I couldn’t find it,” I say frustrated, while putting a plate of pizza into the microwave. If we couldn’t find that box I would have to find the nearest store to go get some Tylenol.

     “Do you know Scarlet?” Mom asked accusingly.

     “No Mother,” Scarlet sasses back, rolling her eyes.

     “What have I told you about talking to me like that? I will not be disrespected in my own house,” Mom warned her.

     I wanted to get out of here before the screaming really started, but the stupid microwave wasn’t done heating up my pizza. And I will NOT eat cold pizza. That is disgusting. Since I was stuck in here waiting for my pizza to be done, I went to a cabinet and grabbed a glass for water. I turn around to fill it at the sink, but I hear the sudden sound shattering glass. Startled, I turn around toward the screaming. I take in the scene before me; I can feel the pulse in my head increase as does the screaming.

     My blood is boiling, head aching, and hand are shaking. Why can’t they just shut up?!? They are annoying self centered brats!!! I want to scream out loud as well, but I know that wouldn’t help my pounding headache. I can’t handle this I scream in my head. I storm out of the room and proceeded to bang down the basement stairs. Since I can’t find the Tylenol, I’ll just have to make die with what I have.

     I make my way to the small door. I’m remembering what the table says; pain killers. They should do the trick because they are supposed to be stronger than normal Tylenol.

    When I get to the door I fall to my knees; I catch the cool metal of the door knob. Ad I jerk open the door tears start to fall down my cheeks. It hurts so much. With the door open I snatch up the bottle and dump some of its contents into my palm.

     My head keeps throbbing, and it seems to be getting worse with each movement.  I take one of the pills in my fingertips and put it in my mouth; then I swallow it. It hurts my thought when it scrapes against my dry throat.

     Putting my hands onto the floor, I crawl over to the wall and lean against it. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I throw my arms across them and lower my head to rest.


     I don’t know how much time has past, but my head slowly stars to subside. Stiffly, I climb to my feet and walk over to the small door. I put the lid back onto the bottle and return it to its spot on the shelf and she the door.
     After putting away my mess that was made in rage and panic, I walk up the stairs to the kitchen. Noticing the Brocken glass from earlier, I clean it up then go back to microwaveing my pizza science it is now cold.

     Going up to my room, pizza in hand, the exhaustion hits me. I drag myself up the other set of stairs leading to the second floor; I was focused on getting to my room before I collapsed. Once I get to my room, I put down my plate of pizza and fall onto my bed dramatically. Then I get up because either realize I’m still in my jeans.

     Once I change into sweat pants, I return to my bed and lay on my back. Before I know it, I slip into the blackness of sleep.



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         -Shelby 😈

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