Part 4

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     I go over to the door leading to the basement stairs and open it. I peer down into the hollow darkness. And before my very eyes, I see movement in the shadows. It zips by the base of the stairs and disappears into the black, inky shadows.

     I reach my hand out to the wall and switch on the light switch. Nothing happens. I flick the switch back and forth a few time into panic. It’s not working. Maybe it’s not the light but just the wiring of the switch. I theorize. Suddenly I remember the pull string on the small lightbulb in the basement. I could run down there and pull the string, so the light would turn on. If it’s the light that’s not working I’m screwed. There’s one problem though. What the hell is down there?

     I lean forward and take my first step; the stairs creek as I put all of my body weight onto them. I brace myself against the wall, then make my way as fast as I can down the stairs. My footsteps were thundering. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I realize my mistake. I forgot about the carpet at the stairs, and now I’m falling towards the floor.

     I land with a thump on the cold, hard cement, and I start to panic. I see the movement again. It’s fast. My head starts to ache. The thing is looking at me. It looks like a hunched over human-like creature, but I know there is nothing human about it.

     The aching is my head intensifies, ad the creature starts crawling over to me on all fours. Shadows cover its features from my view; I can only see its shape. The shape of an emaciated, crawling man. As it got closer, I started to back away, but soon ran into a wall behind me. I glance at the stairs weighing my options of getting away.

“Don’t be a fool. For if you run, I will follow you. And when I catch you, I will kill you. I will always be following,” the words seemed to scratch against my ears in disgust.

     I whipped my head back towards the creature. It was much closer now. Before I could even react its nearness, the thing pounced, and I screamed.


     I could feel a burn on the back off my eyelids, and hear the murmur of a soft voice surrounding me. Where am I? I slowly open my eyes. The room is full of a blinding white light. When my eyes adjust, I glide my eyes slowly around the room and stop at my mom in the chair next to the bed I’m occupying.

     Her head is bent down and resting on the side of the bed. While she whispers softly into the sheets, I room recognize the words she's reciting. She's praying. I slowly lift my hand and touch her shoulder. He head jerks up and she stairs at my in disbelief.

     “You're up!” She says with wide eyes.

     I nod my head. “Where are we?”  I ask.

     “Oh Sweetie, you don’t remember what happened do you?”  she asked sounding concerned. When I shake my head she continues. “We found you in the basement unconscious. The doctor said you had an overdose! Why didn’t you tell me you were doing drugs! We could’ve helped you!”  She cried. I stared at her blankly for a couple of seconds, then the memories came crashing back to me. The pills, paranoia, and probably the worst of all, The Follower.

     Tears start to silently fall down my face. NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!! It’s gonna find me! Sobs are now racking through my body. I take the closest thing near me, which happened to be my phone on the bedside table, and throw it’s against the wall in panic. It shatters at impact and my mother’s gasp fills the room.

     “Help me mom!!!!! He’s gonna get me mom!!!! Help please,” My voice is chocked off by my sobs. 

My mom just stares at me in horror.


This is the end of Evan's story.
*Cries in corner*
This is how he "turned" Schizophrenic.

Your thoughts on what happened?

               -Shelby 😈

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