Part 3

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     It's following me. I can hardly hear the sound of the footsteps over my thundering heart. It’s there. It watching. I can hear the slow sounds of foot steps from my hiding spot. Thump… Thump… Thump...  Each one followed by a scraping of heavy boots against concrete.

     Paralyzed. The darkness seeps into my head, doing my thoughts. I welcome it. Maybe it will block out the footsteps. It doesn’t. They’re coming closer. Heavier. Louder. Faster. I clutch at my jeans, trying to wipe off my sweaty hands. What if it finds me?

     “I can hear you  growls an almost inhuman voice from my shoulder; a huge claw like hand grabs my shoulder. I scream.


     I bolt upright from my tangled, damp mass of sheets with a cry. Thank God it was just a dream. I wipe my sweaty hands and forehead off with my sheets. Then I quickly glance around my room.

     Once I regain focus, I notice a shrill sounds coming from the dark shadows of my room. Scratching, I realize. What the hell? The panic sets in. What's in my room?!?!? I try to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness of my room, but it’s too dark. The sounds coming from the corner where the drawing is.

     Wait the lamp!! I feel dumb for not realizing it sooner and reach for the switch. As soon as I punch the button, the room floods with light and I see movement in the corner of my vision. I whip my head toward the movement, but because of its fast motion it’s hard to figure out what it is. Before I can identify it, it runs towards the window and escapes.

     I run to the window and look out for a clue of what the creature was, but it disappeared. There is no trace, it just seemed to slip into he darkness of the night.

     A sudden flash of light illuminates the street; I look for where it came from. It seemed to come from the house across the street. But in a sudden of a house curtain, everything was black again.


    When I wake up, I’m convinced last night was all just a dream. A horrible, terrifying dream. After I got dressed for the day, I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Before going down though, I notice my pizza for last night. I pick up the pizza plate to dispose of the old pizza, and make my way to the kitchen.

    I walked through the hallways towards the stairs, when I suddenly hear the sounds of the floor creak behind me. I spin around on the balls of my feet, but nothing’s there.

     Maybe I’m just being paranoid because of last night. That had to be a dream right? Of course it was. Turning back around I return to the mission of breakfast.

     Once I make it to the kitchen, I’ve decisive to have cereal because with easy to make. Plus it’s the only thing we have. After pouring cereal into a bowl, I reach toward the refrigerator door for some milk. I take the cap off the cap to the jug, then proceed to pour milk over my cereal.

    “Hey Sweetie. How are you? I didn’t see much of you last voice floats I to the room unexpectedly. So unexpectedly I almost drop the milk!

    “I’m good. Just a little tired. Had a nightmare,” I reply honestly.

     “I’m sorry to hear about that. Hey, do you know where your sister  is?” She asks distractedly.

     “No, why?”

     “I need her to do the laundry, so I can do mine when I get home from work. I have my first day today!”

     “I think she went out on a walk, but I can do it,”

     “You should be enjoying summer before school starts. Just tell your sister when she gets home,” she sounds like she just wants to make my sister do work.

     “Its fine I’ll do it,”

     “Ok whatever. I gotta go. Call me if there’s an emergency,” she replys, turning through the hallway.

     A few minuets later, the sound of the front door shutting echos through the house. She got a promotion in Michigan making us move here. She works as an accountant, I’m really proud of her.

    I hear the sound of something dropping suddenly. It seemed to emanate from the basement. I hemp at the sound. No one’s suppose to be home.


A shorter update today.

What's in the basement? A creepy old neighbor? A dog? Something more....?

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