The Royal Guard

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"That's a nice name. Christine." Papyrus said to himself. I completely recovered from Sans's superpowered hand buzzer, and tagged along with the duo.

"Wanna meet the royal guard?" Sans asked.

"Sure." I replied. Suddenly, we came across two hooded figures! I'm not being taken to the afterlife this soon! Then, the hoods came down to reveal that these figures were in fact, dogs! One of them had his head fur slicked back into a sort of pompadour, and the other had girl eyelashes. They were also holding hands, their free hands wielding executioner axes. "Who are they?"

"We're part of the royal guard, even though we don't look like it." The guy dog said. "I'm Dogamy, and this is my... *Ahem*... Bitch, Dogaressa."

"Don't worry about it. We're dogs, and it's literally what I am called, so I'm fine with my hunk-o-muscle calling me it." Dogaressa explained.

"I see." I said.

"If you can't already tell, they are the executioners. Done a capital deed? You get beheaded by one of them." Sans explains.

"Luckily for them, they haven't had to do that." Papyrus adds.

"Yet." Dogamy replied. "If you want to call us the "Dogi", it's perfectly fine."

"Wanna meet the others?" Dogaressa asked me, and I agreed. "Careful with our lesser and greater friends though, they're always seeking attention. You can definitely entertain the lesser with poker, but the greater? I'm not so sure. If needed, here's a stick. Both dogs LOVE it."

"Thanks." I replied.


"DOGARESSA! HE'S BACK!" Papyrus and sans yelled. We all turned to the right as I spot Jack, coming back for more!

"YEAH! JACK IS BACK! AND READY FOR MORE!" He screamed as he charged at the Dogi!

"Oh this can't be good. Papyrus just got done telling us about him!" Dogamy shouted.

"Let's take him out!" Dogaressa shouted as the two readied their axes.

"You're not fighting alone!" I shouted, and our surroundings blacked out as our souls exited for battle!

As Dogamy, Dogaressa and I prepared for battle, Jack noticed he was outnumbered!

"It's three on one! Give up this fight!" Dogamy shouted.

"And miss out on fun? No way!" Jack shouted, and threw a flurry of spears! Our souls dodged them with perfect accuracy, until Jack threw a barrage of bones, and then proceeded to throw orange spears with them!

"YIKES!" I shouted as I dodged these attacks with the Dogi. Dogamy then prepared an axe attack with his partner Dogaressa as the two charged and started spinning! Jack's soul took many hits from the spin attacks before the Dogi got dizzy and returned to their side.

"Arf... Why did we do that? Arf..." Dogamy mumbled.

"Arf... Oh we are so stupid... I think I'm gonna- Arf! - hurl!" Dogaressa mumbled before the Dogi threw up! Grossing out me and Jack, we continued the fight nonetheless, and I fired off a large white fireball, striking Jack's soul with deadly accuracy!

"GAH!" Jack shouted before being sent flying back. Somehow, he had healed his soul completely after I saved Papyrus, and fought with this renewed energy somehow! "Didja think that would stop me?! Try this on for size!" Jack shouted, and sent a giant bone my direction! I managed to dodge it, but due to the Dogi being so dizzy, they failed, and were hit hard with the giant bone! The two fell to the ground, unconscious, but still very alive. Angered by this, I prepared a Kamehameha style blast to force Jack into mercy.

"Say your prayers Jack!" I shouted before firing the huge beam, striking Jack's soul once again, and severely damaging it!

"Ah, much bet- What the heck just happened?!" Dogamy asked, finally recovered.

"The bloody heck was that?!" Dogaressa asked, just as surprised as her partner.

"Heh heh, I need to learn how to dodge that attack! I can't die like this. I need to recover. Sayonara, suckers!" Jack shouted before ending the fight with mercy and our surroundings brightened up, before Jack threw down another smoke bomb. This one smelled like nothing to me, but to the Dogi, thanks to their enhanced smell, it smelled like rotten eggs, and started hacking and coughing from the horrible smell!

"Puh! Puh! Puh! BLECH! What the heck is this made out of?! It smells like frickin rotten eggs!" Dogamy complained.

"Aw this again?! BLECH!" Papyrus yelled. As soon as the smoke cleared, everyone stopped coughing, and we recollected ourselves. Jack was gone again!

"Well, that ends that fight." I said. "Now let's g-"But before I could finish, I took a step, and my foot went straight through the snow, leaving my foot stuck once again... "WHY?!" I complained as I started tugging at my stuck foot again amidst laughter from the skeletons and dogs.

It took me a few minutes, but Papyrus had to help me yank my foot out because it was so stuck. With that, we headed to a place called Grillby's.

"Grillby himself is a fire monster, so he doesn't need stoves. He can just wave his hand under pots and pans to cook. He's quite the showstopper because of it, and the fact he's in this freezing cold place just adds on top!" Papyrus explained.

"Ah, I see." I replied. We reached the place, and sure enough, I saw a small dog with a sword and shield at the side of his table, and a large, more heavily armored dog.

"Yo Grillby! What's up?" Dogamy called out.

"Yo! Looks like we got a human friend?" Grillby asked. "I thought you were going to give her soul to Asgore!"

"She's a friend. I think she can keep her soul just fine." Papyrus replied. "There is another human that I would love to steal his from though!"

"Arf! Bhat's boing bon?" The heavily armored dog asked. I assumed this guy was the greater dog, and approached it with a stick.

"For you." I said.

"Boh? Bhanks." The greater dog replied, and happily gnawed on it. I then approached the lesser, and sat down at his table, challenging him to poker. The Dogi and the skeletons grouped up around our table to watch us play, as the lesser dog was a formidable poker player, and I was going to challenge his skills.

"Cut the cards." I said. He took a half of the deck, set it on the table, and I set my portion on top. We then had Dogaressa deal five to us, and I pressed my luck.

"Banna Bet Bifty?" The lesser asked in a daring tone. I'm not going to tell you guys what I have yet, but I know I have a winning hand.

"A hundred." I replied with a tone matching his. We threw down our hands, and everyone was shocked at my hand.

"BHAT?!" The greater dog asked, shocked.

"A royal flush! How?!" Sans asked.

"You must have some darn good luck!" Papyrus said.

"Boh Brap. Bell, bere's bour bundred." The lesser dog said, and gave me a hundred gold as my winning.

"Alright!" I said. And with that, I turned to Papyrus.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Any idea where the nearest route to Technoland is?" I asked, and he gave me a map to the entire city. From there, I prepared for Technoland accordingly, and hoped I didn't get stuck in the journey.

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