Chapter IV: An Escape!

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Jone, Trenton, and Andrew decided it was best to get out of there. And to get out rather quickly. If any of these people got into the mirror, it could mess up things back home.
Andrew held up the Earth Machine, said the Latin words which allowed the traveling to happen, and they were off back into the Magic Mirror. People sitting in the coffee shop tried to be pulled into the Magic Mirror, but no one was able to go into it. The boys had left too quickly for any of the people there.
And they were on their way once again! Soon, they reached another dimension which seemed to be more civilized as the last, however this one didn't seem to be under any danger, they seemed to be living happily among the town.
The clocks struck eight o'clock and everyone went into their homes. They seemed as if they were scared of something. A man with a flashlight walked down the streets.
Jone just happened to look at one of the windows of the tall brick houses which stood on the road which the man walked down, and he seen a boy, about his age, motioning him to come into the house quickly.
Upon seeing this, all three boys entered the house.
"Hello," the boy said. "My name is Tyrese, my friends call me Ty."
"Hello, I'm Jone, and this is Andrew and Trenton."
"You guys came at the wrong time, you see, every night at eight o'clock the watchers come out looking for citizens disobeying curfew hours. Whoever stays out beyond curfew is condemned to death!"
"What awful people they are," Andrew said.
"True. Are you guys from here?" Ty asked.
"No, no. We are passing through, we are trying to flee from someone ourselves," said Trenton. "We would take you with us, but it could destroy the course of time in other dimensions and could erase them!"
"It's fine, the watchers are supposed to take turns watching throughout the night, however most of them are lazy and usually quit at about ten. In the mean time, if you truly are from another dimension, you may as well look at the culture of this dimension."
Ty showed them around the house, showing them certain objects, such as the camera which allows you to take a picture, and go back to that event. The Camera-Speculatum, they called it.
This civilization was much more organized and in order than the one Jone lived in. They did everything at a certain time and a certain place, never letting their schedule fall. Their government, however, was indeed advanced in technology and had the power to spy on citizens, especially through their conversation boxes. This allowed the government to hear what was going on. Not only could they hear what went on in the houses of citizens, but what went on in their brain. They all had a chip placed in their heads at birth, which allowed the government to hear their every thought.

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There was a knock at the door. Ty checked who was at the door through the peephole. The people were government officials.
"Is this the residence of Tyrese Adkins?"
"Yes, it is," said Ty.
"Where are your parents?"
"You know where my parents are."
"Right, but where?"
"You arrested her, for she ripped the chip out of her head. You condemned her to death but I don't know where you buried her. You didn't have a ceremony."
"We were thinking about bringing her back, so that you won't be alone. There is illegal activity in your house, and you mustn't remain here alone."
"But there is none..."
"Yes there is. There is an illegal mirror which can allow you to leave this community."
"No there isn't! That doesn't even exist!"
"Yes it does. Your friend Jone has it."
Ty looked at Jone, as he was pulling out the Magic Mirror.
"This is how we got here," said Jone.
Ty turned back around to the government officials.
"They haven't done anything wrong!"
"They have an escape!" said one of the men.
"Right, but they haven't done anything..."
"Except for stealing your Camera-Speculatum."
Ty turned around, but they were already gone.

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