Chapter 2- The Black Lake

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Soooooo, I really need to hurry up on this story cause I have to have it done by the 15th... so, I'm going into panic mode...bleh....

fan vote and comment please!


Ron stared at Harry in disbelief and he said, "You're kidding right?"

Harry shook his head sullenly and he replied so quietly that Ron had to strain his ears to hear what his friend said.

"You saw Snape die..." He started with a crack in his voice, "He gave me some certain memories. And then you left to go be with your family."

"But Harry," Ron interupted forcefully, "Why did you leave! Do you not realize how many people stand behind you! You're their hero, you're the bloody chosen one!" He exclaimed angrily.

"And I hate it." Harry said flatly.

"Everything about it. The pressure, the rumors, and the people who think that I should be a ministry poster boy. If I even get a detention it's in the Daily Prophet." He continued on, finally venting his surpressed anger at all the things that had happened to him.

"I mean, my mum, dad, and Sirius are all dead. Did you see the bodies next to Fred too?" Harry asked mockenly, though his voice was hollow when he said, "It's Lupin's and Tonk's..."

Ron sucked in a breath.

"They're dead..." He stated lowly.

Harry nodded as he looked purposely away from Ron. His eyes were oddly bright and shiny even from Ron's view of him. 'He must have something in his eye' Ron thought curiously.

"Dead?" He asked dumbly. Harry nodded sadly and avoided Ron's intense, unwavering gaze.

Ron slowly let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding in.

He couldn't get used to the idea of Lupin and Tonks being dead. He could still remember in his third year when Lupin taught his year Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was the year that Sirius broke out of Askaban and the year that Ron realized that his professor was a werewolf.

During the summer of his fifth year he met Tonks and had instantly liked her.

She easily brought a smile to everyones face and her clumsiness just added to the feeling of friendliness around her. Though she and Ron hadn't talked much over the years, there was still that mutual friendship going on.

And now... they're dead.

Ron closed his eyes for a moment as he and Harry reveled in the silence that lay upon them, covering them like a blanket. Except this one held no warmth, it only made the colder and craved for it to leave.

His eyes roamed the ground once again and they settled on something that brought back many more happy memories.

The Black Lake.

"C'mon Hermione! Jump in, it's not cold!" Ron called out to Hermione who was sitting on the side of the Black Lake while Harry and Ron jumped straight into it.

"I have homework to finish!" She exclaimed exasperatedly.

"So?" Harry called out through the laughter that was evident on his face.

Hermione just huffed and went back to her work. She grabbed her quill and started writing furiously and tried to ignore her two best-friends staring at her.

Ron turned to Harry with a miscevious look on his face. Harry returned the look so quickly that Ron was sure they were thinking the exact same thing.

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