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"You awake?" I hear a deep voice call out.

I try and open my eyes but it's practically impossible with all of the lights turned on. It's like when you're sitting in class watching a documentary or something and then the teacher turns both of the lights on, it takes a minute to adjust. I look up and Ethan is sitting at my feet looking at me a little worried. "Y- ya" i say mid-yawn while stretching my arms out as he lets a big breath out sinking back down instead of him having a stiff back.

"You were out for a while." He says getting up and going back to his chair.

"How long?" I question

"Eh around- 5 hou-?"

"5 HOURS OH MY GOD , I I- I AM SO SORRY" i yell in a hushed tone.

He waited, For 5 hours. I genuinely feel bad and who knows! what if Mason and Aaron are still walking around trying to find a vending machine or something because, of me.

He sits back down at my feet, and crosses his arms which makes his muscles clearly visible and i can feel his chest flutter from laughter from me freaking out.

"What have you been doing for 5 hours?" I ask

"Eh, homework and i found some things to do" he adds looking around

"What like admiring my beauty" i pester overdramatically flipping my hair to the sides of my shoulders.

He chuckles again with a half smirk forming on his face

"Well i mean if you count a black eye and purple nose pretty" i add

He holds my gaze and i see how grey his eyes are and they are beautiful.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Natalie"

"Don't be it's fine rea-"

"Look i don't mind staying here but do you want to call your mom or dad about this ?" He questions meeting his eyes with mine. I quickly break the eye contact and stare down to my hospital wristband "uh- no my u- my mom she's uh- she's in France."


"Ya she travels for work." I lie. Technically it's not 100% a lie she does travel but mostly to get away from me. My grandparents send me money to feed myself and live in the nice house i do and my mom gets a fair share and uses it to travel all of the time, shes rarely home, I'm the only thing that's keeping her here instead of going out doing whatever she wants to start a new life with someone which she pretty much does anyway.

He looks at me but doesn't question me not mentioning my dad

"Are, d- do you need a ride home?"

"Thanks for the offer but, i'm not even sure when i'm allowed to leave" i reply still staring at my hospital wristband finishing with a dry, fake laugh.

"Well i wasn't planning to go to school tomorrow anyways so want me to go get some food?" He says looking at me with that half smirk again

I smile at his generosity and take in this time he's not being all rude.

"Ya but i'll go with you i'll just change i have some athletic shorts in my bag, i'll just be a minute" i say getting up and reaching for my bag to which he also gets up reaching for his black backpack.

"Here's a hoodie i have". I grab the black hoodie from him "thanks" i say as i walk past him almost falling since its been 7 hours since i've last walked instead of being wheeled around or laying down. I accidentally bump his hip and he grabs my waist asking for the hundredth time "you ok?" I continue walking with his hands on my hips leading me to the bathroom and he follows closely behind which i add looking over my shoulder with my eyes still looking the direction i'm walking "why do you always ask if im okay, im not dead" i chuckle hearing him join in on the laughter turning my gaze completely in front of me not over my shoulder "i'm obviously okay" i finish just as i make it to the bathroom door and with that he releases his hands from my hips. "I'll just be a sec"

"Don't fall down" and yet again. We make eye contact

"Don't count on it" i add breaking the stare closing the door. I remove the robe and put my athletic shorts on along with Ethan's hoodie and i'm suddenly surrounded in his scent. It's a comforting feeling actually not like his arms are around me or anything, not like they ever will be for that matter it just feels. Nice. After i'm dressed i fix my hair up as much as i can, surprisingly it actually looks better than it does daily. I turn on my heel and place my hand on the door handle but halt when i hear Ethan chuckle again to which i smile back. I open the door and he's sitting in the chair directly to the right of the doorframe.

"Ready?" He asks

"As i'll ever be" i reply heading out the door but he's not following me. No. No. No. No. Ladies and gentlemen the goddess Ethan checking me out. I turn my head over my right shoulder smiling and playfully motion my right hand for him to come as i tip-toe out of the door.

"You coming?" I question

"Ya, i am" he smiles grabbing his phone and mine "you might need this" he says as he hands me my phone and confidently strides out of the door.

He already takes a left turn to which i retort a long exasperated "wowwww. I see how it is Ethan, i wait for you and then you just leave" i say as i run to catch up with him hitting him on his right bicep as i do.

He presses the elevator button and it opens "after you" he bends over slightly sticking his left hand out to the elevator with a slight smile forming on his perfectly red and symmetrical lips. I hop in the elevator with him following a few steps behind. Instead of pressing the 'floor one button' indicating the lobby commons and cafeteria area he selects 'floor 80' i glance at him very noticeably to which he gives me a questioning eye "what?"

I scoff "you know what"

"Just a little detour, chill out"

"A little detour. Just a little one. By what 79 floors?" I sarcastically reply taking my eyes off him looking back at the two metal doors.

"Don't worry this is a beautiful detour" he says putting emphasis on the word beautiful.

"Well whatever this is it better be beautiful because it's keeping me from eating" i say nudging him in his now relaxed left bicep. I sit down after this because it's 79 floors which should take about 5 minutes to get there so i might as well get comfortable.

We don't say anything for a minute but he ends up joining me on the floor, me on one side and him on the other side of the elevator. I open my phone and am overwhelmed with the amount of texts and missed calls from Allison i sigh which gatherers Ethan's attention "you o- i mean everything alright?" He corrects. I give him credit for trying taking my comment about how he always asks if 'i'm ok' into consideration.

I turn my phone to the left so i can see his face "you know, 'you ok' and 'everything alright' mean pretty much the same thing." I say moving my phone back to its original position, and about 30 seconds later i get a text from a new number saying 'i know;)' and the contact reads by the name 'Ethan'. My breathing stops for a moment and i try to play it off cool that i didn't just gasp for a second when i realize i was asleep for 5 hours which is plenty of time to go through someones phone, my mind immediately starts filling up with everything he could have seen. Not like i have nudes or anyt- 'nice nudes' he jokes. I am startled and feel the need to reply with another sarcastic remark

'aww too bad you lost the chance to see it in real life(:' i joke back.

'Haha, trust me. I still do:)' i close out of our convo and i'm stunned not even able to comprehend.

That little bastard went through my phone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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