Dead Men Tell No Lies

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With a loud clatter, Rhys burst into the room, tripping and falling to the floor in her rush. The data pad that she was holding in her hands slid across the floor, finally coming to a halt at the feet of her older sister, Hailey. With an amused grin, Hailey leaned down and picked up the pad as Lucilla helped Rhyss up off the floor. Smiling sheepishly at Lucilla’s look of inquiry, she reached out and unlocked the pad.

“I was listening to the police scanner, and heard about a strange death. I was wondering if you guys wanted to go check it out?” Rhyss asked, excited.

Hailey looked over at Lucilla, an unasked question in her eyes. Rolling her eyes and grinning, Lucilla nodded.

“I guess. I’ll come along to keep you two out of trouble.”

Sitting behind the steering wheel of her car, Hailey found herself having a hard time concentrating on the road. Looking at Rhyss excitedly chattering about school in the rearview mirror, and Lucilla smiling and laughing in the passenger seat, she was reminded of the day they all met.

“Hailey? Come meet your little sisters.”

Pouting, Hailey crossed her arms. “I don’t want a little sister. Much less two of them!”

Turning and stamping her foot, Hailey glared at the little girl hiding behind her mother’s leg.  “It was supposed to be you, daddy and me. She’s not supposed to be here!”

The little girl flinched and ducked further behind Hailey’s mothers legs. Hailey felt a brief flash of regret, but it was quickly snuffed out by anger and fear.

She knew that it was irrational, to be angry and afraid of a girl younger than her and a baby, but she was worried that her parents would love them more than her.

Looking at her husband, Alicia Hawthorne motioned with her head out of the room. Taking the hint, Eric kneeled down and whispered something in the little girl's ear. Looking at her smile, which spread across her face faster than light, Hailey glared harder, getting angrier. As she watched them walk out of the room, she failed to notice her mother sitting down on an armchair next to her.

“Hailey. What’s wrong? You were so excited just a few days ago. What’s changed?” Alicia asked gently.

Feeling frustrated tears start to form in her eyes, Hailey gritted her teeth. How could she not know? Wasn’t it obvious? Turning her back to her mother, Hailey sat down heavily onto the ground, crossing her arms.

“Hailey. Answer me.” Alicia's voice grew a bit sterner. Shaking her head stubbornly, Hailey refused to speak. Alicia sat there, letting the silence draw out until Hailey was squirming in her seat.

“I don’t want you to forget me.”

Hailey’s voice was so quiet, Alicia very nearly missed her words. Her face softening, she slid out of her chair and onto the ground, sitting beside her daughter.

“Why would you think that we’d ever forget you?”

Turning to look at her mother, Hailey felt her tears start to fall down her cheeks. “What if you decide that you like them better? What if you don’t want me anymore?”

Looking at her daughter in shock, Alicia felt her throat tightening. Wrapping her arms around Hailey, she pulled her into her lap, resting her cheek against the top of her head.

“I could never forget you, little one. You’re my little penguin, remember? And you will always be my daughter.”

Looking up at her mother, Hailey swallowed back her tears and said, “Do you promise?”

Leaning down and rubbing her nose against Hailey’s, Alicia whispered, “I promise. Now, what do you say we go join Daddy and your sisters for some ice cream?”

He face brightening instantly, Hailey cheered. “With rainbow sprinkles?”

Alicia laughed. “Yes, with rainbow sprinkles.”

Feeling a soft touch to her arm, Hailey looked over at Lucilla’s worried gaze. Smiling reassuringly, Hailey turned back to the road.

“Take a right at the next corner.” Rhyss’s quiet voice rang out in the silent car, causing Hailey to jump, having forgotten that she was there. Turning right, she parked where Rhyss told her to, and sat back in her seat, feeling the familiar tingle that meant that an unsettled spirit was nearby.

Taking a deep breath, Hailey opened the door, feeling the tingle intensify as she stepped out of the car. Looking around, she waited for Lucilla and Rhyss to get out of the car and then locked the door. Walking in the direction that Rhyss indicated, the tingle got steadily stronger, until it felt like her stomach was buzzing.

Looking down the lit alley, Hailey stopped and turned.

“Guys, I need to talk to him. I need to know.”

Rhyss looked at her, a knowing smile on her face. “I know. Why do you think we came?”

Hailey shook her head, chuckling. Rhyss looked at Lucilla, and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her in the direction of the guards, calling out a hello.

Hailey ducked underneath the crime scene tape, looking over her shoulder at Rhyss, who was explaining about what she was doing in school, and asking if they were okay with questions. Lucilla, on the other hand, was saying that she had a bet to win, and that “We don’t have time for this.”

Walking quickly over to the dead man, Hailey started to whisper to herself, "I got this. I got this."
Leaning down, she touched the man's forehead gently. With a gasp, his eyes opened and he stared at her, shocked.

"What are you doing," she heard a deep voice say from behind her. Spinning around with a gasp, she stared wide-eyed as she came face-to-face with Batman, Robin, and Nightwing.
"I-I, uh. Nothing."

From behind her, Hailey heard the dead man start gasping. Throwing a frantic look at Lucilla, she turned to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked calmly.

"I-I don't know. I couldn't see anything. It just became really dark."
Frowning, Hailey looked at Rhyss. Turning back to the man, she said, "What do you remember hearing?"

"There was nothing. It was just silent. Now that I think of it, it was like all noise was gone." Hailey's eyebrows rose, surprised. Silence? In the middle of Gotham?

"Hailey, we don't have much more time," Hailey heard Rhyss whisper. Cursing inwardly, Hailey looked at the man, and took his hands in hers.
"What's your name?"

"Jamieson. Jamieson Reynolds."
Placing her hand on the top of his head, Hailey smiled. "You've done well Jamieson. Sleep now. It'll be okay when you wake up."

Closing his eyes, Jamieson’s chest started to rise and fall slower and slower, until finally it was still.

Standing up, Hailey groaned as her knees creaked in protest. Stretching, she winced as she felt the exhaustion setting into her bones.

“Did you get anything from your dead friend?” Hailey turned to Lucilla, who was grinning at her.

Hailey snorted. “I could get more information from a snapple cap,” she deadpanned. Hearing a chuckle coming from the group of men, she turned and looked at them. Batman looked impassive, Robin looked bored, and Nightwing… well, he looked like he was struggling not to die of laughter.

Exchanging a look with Lucilla, Rhyss turned to Batman and said, “Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, may I help you gather evidence? I’m studying to be a CSI myself, and I feel like it would be very educational.”

Blinking down at her, it struck Hailey that Batman looked, almost... surprised. Like he hadn’t been expecting that. Nodding slowly, he sighed and swept a hand to the side. Smiling brightly, Rhyss grabbed Robin’s hand, dragging him and Lucilla with her, leaving Nightwing, Hailey and Batman standing there, staring after her. Looking at Hailey, Batman slowly walked in the direction that the others had gone, leaving Hailey and Nightwing standing there, the silence and night stretching long between them.

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