Portents Of Impending Doom

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Lucilla looked up as she heard the screech of tires tearing out of the cave. She just caught a glimpse of her sisters back before she was gone. Her eyes wide, she watched Nightwing run towards Hailey’s car. “Sorry, gotta borrow this!” He yelled back to Lucilla.

Lucilla blinked as she watched him tear out of the cave after her sister, her mouth hanging open. “What the fuck. Just happened.”

She turned her head as she heard Red Hood laughing. “She stole his bike. It doesn’t surprise me that he went after her.”

Lucilla shook her head, taking a breath in. “Is there anything I can do to help?” SHe said to Batman.

Batman nodded, and turned to the computer. “I need you to go the crime scene with Red Hood, since Nightwing isn’t going to be able to. ‘ Lucilla wasn’t sure if she was hearing things, but she thought Batman sounded… amused?

Raising an eyebrow at Red Hood, she turned and walked over to the Batmobile, Red Hood following behind her. Sliding into the passenger seat, Lucilla looked around the inside in interest. She was so interested in wondering what all the buttons did that she didn’t realise that Red Hood had gotten in until she heard the Batmobile start up. Red Hood chuckled as she jumped from the sudden sound, then put the car into drive and took off. Lucilla looked around as they drove through Gotham City, taking in the quiet, which was quickly broken by the sound of a siren in the distance. Suddenly, the comm on the dash lit up, and Batman’s voice came through.

“You guys should get to the hospital. Hailey’s hurt.”

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

Lucilla burst into the emergency room, looking around for her sister. She spotted Hailey laying down on a bed, Nightwing hovering anxiously over her. Red Hood just a step behind her, she ran over. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. She just started bleeding.” Nightwing said. “But it wasn’t very deep.”

“Good. I need to ask her some things.” Lucilla looked up, seeing Rhyss standing there, a scowl on her face. Robin was right behind her, a look of distrust aimed towards the woman on the bed, who was looking at her sister, confused.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Hailey asked, groggy and confused.

“Care to explain why you knew that mom was alive, but didn’t tell anyone?”

The silence that followed was palpable. “What?” Hailey whispered, shocked.

“Mom was the one who killed that man, Jamieson. And the woman.”

Hailey closed her eyes, but nodded. “I know. I saw it.” She looked up at Rhyss. “She had a message for us too.”

Lucilla furrowed her eyebrows. “What did she say?”

“Basically that the end of the world was coming, and that she’ll be there waiting for us. I’m not sure. It was really weird.”

Rhyss crossed her arms and cocked a hip out. “Doesn’t explain why you never told us.”

Hailey looked down, sitting up. “It was an accident. I didn’t mean to.” She looked up at Rhyss. “It happened the day of the particle accelerator explosion. I got knocked out, and woke up on the ground, a hole next to me.”

Rhyss looked at her for a few seconds, then turned around and started to walk off. Lucilla looked at her. “Where are you going?”

Rhyss looked over her shoulder at them. “I’m gonna go talk to J. He might know something.” Robin went to follow her, and Hailey suddenly said, “You sure you wanna take him with you? They aren’t on the best of terms.”

Rhyss ignored her, walking out of the hospital. Lucilla looked at her sister, who had a pained look on her face. “You should’ve told us.”

Hailey nodded. “I know,” she sighed. “I just couldn’t figure out how. Would you know how to tell your two sisters ‘By the way, our mother is no longer dead, I accidentally raised her, and I don’t know what to do?’”

Lucilla sighed, and looked over in the direction Rhyss had gone. “I’m worried about her. You think J will hurt her?”

Hailey sighed. “I don’t know. I don’t like thinking about her being around him. He’s too dangerous.”

“I know… But he’s her friend. Has been for awhile. We can’t just tell her not to go see him.” Lucilla sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted.

Nightwing looked between them, confused. “Who the hell are you guys talking about? Who might hurt her?”

Hailey and Lucilla looked at each other quickly, before Hailey looked at Nightwing. “The Joker.”

For The Reason Of Temporary Insanity: A DC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now