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Lucilla sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “We have to take you back with us.” a familiar voice said behind her. She turned to see Red Hood walking toward her. Lucilla nodded, not wanting to argue.

Lucilla wrapped her arms around herself as they walked to the black Mustang. Nightwing was already there helping Hailey off the ground. “I hear we get to go to the infamous Batcave.” Hailey said tiredly with a small smile. Lucilla walked over to her sister and gave her a hug,

“You should get some sleep in the car.” she said gently. Hailey nodded and got into the front passenger seat. Lucilla took a breath before getting into the backseat.

Both Red Hood and Nightwing got into the car. Hood slid into the backseat next to Lucilla, “Sorry, gotta blindfold you. But hey maybe you like that kind of thing.” he chuckled. Lucilla rolled her eyes and held still as he slid cloth over her eyes.

Lucilla leaned against the door as she felt them move. She smirked when she heard Hailey’s breathing start to even out. The fact her sister was sleeping made her relax.

“I’ve been meaning to say this, but nice tattoos” Red Hood said breaking the silence. Lucilla glanced in his direction, “Thanks.” she muttered quietly.

“Now are they everywhere?” he asked grinning behind his helmet. Lucilla snorted and looked away a blush crawling up her neck. “Hood!” Nightwing snapped his head turning so he could glare at the man.

Red Hood laughed, “What? It was an honest question!” he said shrugging. “Quit being a pervert.” Nightwing said annoyed. Red Hood rolled his eyes.

“I’ll stop being pervy when you stop acting like that sparkly ass vampire.” he said. Nightwings masked eyes widened as he spluttered,

“I’m not!” he scoffs. Hood laughs, “Then stop watching creepy girl sleep!” he taunts. Lucilla growls and sends a punch in Red Hood’s direction. “She’s not creepy!” she and Nightwing shout.

A groan sounds from next to Nightwing, “Would you guys shut up!” Hailey growled. Nightwing sank down in his seat a faint blush burning his cheeks. Red Hood barked out a laugh but shut up when Lucilla punched him.

The car became quiet again. Lucilla sighed crossing her arms. The car hit a couple of bumps before coming to a complete stop.

“You can take the blindfold off now.” Nightwing said kindly as Red Hood opened the car door. Lucilla ripped off the black cloth and scrambled out of the car. She looked around curiously and noticed that the cave was like a museum. She heard bats chirp to each other.

Lucilla looked over at the car, then at Nightwing. They looked at each other for a second,

“well I’m not gonna carry her Wingnut!” Lucilla said with a laugh. Nightwing looked flustered for a moment before quickly going over to the car.  Lucilla watched as he opened the door, unbuckled Hailey and lift her up. Red Hood walked over to Lucilla laughing,

“He needed a little push..” she said with a smile. They watched as Nightwing rounded the corner with Hailey.  A comfortable silence spread but it was broken at the sound of an engine.

The Batmobile sped into the cave and stopped inches from them. Rhyss jumped out looking ecstatic,

“That. Was. Awesome!” she said dancing around.  Batman walked past them saying nothing. Rhyss grinned and looked around,

“Where’s Hails?” she asked frowning. Lucilla nudged her head in the direction Nightwing went,

“She’s asleep, Wingnut took care of her.” she said with a smirk. Rhyss raised an eyebrow and smirked,

“Oh.” she said. Nightwing cleared his throat as he walked over to them, “uh Hailey is currently sleeping in the infirmary.” he said before walking over to Batman who was at the Bat computer.

“You. Come here, Robin will help you put the evidence in the computer.” Batman said in a demanding voice. Rhyss’s eyes widened and rushed over to the computer with her bag. Robin was immediately at her side talking her through everything.

“You, come with me.” he said looking a Lucilla momentarily before heading toward the infirmary. Lucilla gaped a second before running after the Dark Knight with Nightwing following.

Rounding a corner Lucilla saw Hailey resting on a bed with Batman standing over with a scanning device. “What are you doing?” Lucilla asked quickening her pace toward her sister. Batman didn’t look up as he finished. He put down the scanner and picked up a needle.

“Stop!” Lucilla shouted and she looked at Nightwing who looked guilty and apologetic. Batman plunged the needle into Hailey’s and sucked out some blood. Said girl's eyes snapped open,

“Ow, what the fuck?!” Hailey screamed practically falling off the bed. Lucilla ran forward and held onto her sister as she panicked. Batman then walked away without another word.

“Fuck you too, you pointy eared bastard!” Hailey shouted after him. He ignored her, gritting her teeth Hailey grabbed a scalpel from a tray near the bed and threw it with accuracy. Batman quickly turned and caught between his fingers before it hit him between the eyes. When he looked at her, she flipped him off.

Nightwings jaw dropped and Red Hood clapped. “That was cool!” he said looking at the two sisters. Nightwing walked over and began bandaging Hailey’s arm.

“I’m sorry about him. That wasn’t very nice.” he said quietly. In the short distance away they heard yelling,

“Why in the actual fuck did you do that?! Do you enjoy being a dick to everyone?” Rhyss shouted. Hailey sighed and Lucilla looked at her sadly. Hailey looks more tired than ever.

Lucilla got off the bed and pushed Hailey back in laying a position. “Get some sleep. I’m going to be right over there checking on Rhyss.” she said quietly.

Hailey grumbled and turned to lay on her side. Lucilla walked over to Nightwing, “Can you keep an eye on her?” she asked and the first boy wonder nodded.

Lucilla left the infirmary and headed toward the Bat Computer. Rhyss was standing behind batman glaring a hole into the back of his head. She put a hand on her sister's shoulder and felt as she relaxed.

“Hows Hails?” Rhyss asked looking over at her sister. Lucilla frowned, “She's more tired than before.” she muttered.

“From the evidence Rhyss and I gathered from the two crime scenes, we can see that they’re two killers. Scarecrow and someone else unknown.” Robin said.

Batman pulled out an evidence bag with a swab inside. He pulled out the swab and carefully put it under the scanner. The computer hummed a moment before beeping with the result. The second killer was...

For The Reason Of Temporary Insanity: A DC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now