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Draco work up to a world of bright white. He looked around himself. The infirmary? He shook his head and looked around again noticing a slightly smaller space, but it was still a sterile atmosphere. St. Mungos then? He nodded to himself and hissed when he tried to move and found his entire body was sore and groggy, as though waking from a long nap. He did manage to stretch a good bit before he realized he was terrifyingly alone. Why am I even here?

He looked around himself and noticed a calendar along one wall. He carefully forced himself to stand and made his way over to the wall with as much grace as someone hit with the jelly leg jinx. He looked at the date and couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. It was well past November of the following year. He tried to take a deep breath but he couldn't seem to gather enough oxygen. He'd missed his NEWTS! He'd missed the start of school! He tried to remember what was going on, but all he remembered was walking into Snape's class for Advanced Potions. The memory swam around him.

"Today we will be brewing a love potion. Although I find it quite difficult to show a group of students as insolent as you lot, it is required. Amortentia is known as one of the strongest love potions in existence. It's made of a combination of things that in the best of conditions creates a false sense of love and obsession. In the worst of cases it can create lust that overpowers all logic. Open your books to chapter 9, you may begin."

Draco opened his book and scanned the room. Luckily most of the Gryffindorks had paired up together. He checked again, everyone had a partner but him.

Someone was missing, but he couldn't quite place who. He looked around and nothing seemed out of place besides his lack of partner.

As everyone began brewing he could have sworn the smell was familiar. He was sure it was his partner. He knew he was gay for some time now so he figured it must have been a guy, but when he looked around he was nowhere to be found.

The door slammed open and he saw a mass of messy black hair.

Draco screamed as the pain of an incomplete memory ripped away at him. Who was that boy? Why did he smell so wonderful. Why couldn't he remember?

A mediwitch was there next, taking him back to his bed and giving him a sleeping draught. He nodded at her and took it.

The next time he woke up the calendar read February and he was beginning to panic. He still couldn't remember anything after the door opened in the potions room and here he was sleeping away another few months. Where was everyone? Did no one care where he went? Someone had to be paying for it. Where were his parents? He rolled his eyes to himself. Probably serving the Dark Lord tea & biscuits.

Something about that thought seemed off. He wasn't sure he knew what a Dark Lord was, let alone why his parents would be serving one. On instinct he looked down at his left arm and was almost surprised to see it bare, though he wasn't sure why. It had always been bare. What would have changed?

Maybe he deserved to be in St. Mungos. There were too many gaps in his memory. Just as he was going to call for a mediwitch one came to him.

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy. How are you today?" Her voice was quiet as if otherwise it would disturb him. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine." His voice was raspy from lack of use and he looked over to the witch calmly as to not destroy his Malfoy composure. "May I have some water?" The mediwitch nodded and summoned some to his bedside table.

"We will be able to tell you what happened based on everyone else's accounts once your parents arrive, but for right now you have a visitor." She looked almost sad as she told him this and decided to look away.

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