Chapter 6

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Draco stood with his back to the shower head leaned back into the water, allowing his hair to get wet so he could wash it. He massaged the shampoo into his hair causing a pretty thick lather and washed all of the previous product out. As he pulled on the ends of his hair, he imagined it was Harry tugging as they rocked their hips into one another moaning. As his thoughts ran away he allowed his hands to roam his own body, finding his already hard cock he began to stroke himself at a pace that said he couldn't be late to class.


Harry's day was a series of I-Thought-I-Saw-Draco and Oops-Wrong-Blonde. By the time lunch rolled around he was practically running across their quarter's threshold and throwing his robe across the armchair. As he sat on the Gryffindor colored couch he noticed that the room had improved itself, as the Room of Requirement sometimes did.

"Maybe I could touch Malfoy this time." Harry mused to himself.

Harry noticed a mini fridge and decided to walk around the place to survey the damage. Everything seemed to be the same until he walked into his bedroom. His things were still there of course, but between Draco's room and his own there was a new door positioned on what he assumed to be the backside of the fireplace. Harry opened the door unsure of what he'd find. He sighed in relief when he realized it was just a bathroom complete with a shower and jacuzzi style tub.

"Expecting something more drastic, were you?" Draco asked from behind Harry making him jump. Malfoy laughed.

"How long have you been here?" asked Harry.

"I was here before you were, but I'm pretty sure we had the same idea. " Draco stepped closer to him and started unbuttoning his own shirt before pulling Harry towards him. When he could feel the soothing puffs of breath coming from Harry directly on his lips he closed his eyes and moved in for a kiss.

Harry was struggling with what he wanted to do. He liked Malfoy and the love potion made his attraction stronger in other places. Before he could think about it too much Draco's lips were pressed onto his and he melted into Malfoy's grasp. Their kiss got slightly more heated when Malfoy began taking off Harry's shirt and trying (very successfully) to prod the brunestte's lips open with his tongue then delving inside.

Once they both stood before each other in nothing but their boxers Draco blushed as Harry eyed him hungrily from top to bottom and back up, prior to meeting his eyes and blushing as well.

"Don't just stand there, Potter. We only have lunch." Harry led him to the Slytherin side and pushed him onto the bed.

"Call me Harry." He said somewhat viciously. Draco nodded. "Say it!"

"Harry..." Draco moaned out lowly with blush on his cheeks while the Gryffindor began nipping at his neck. He stopped and went to the place where his shoulder met his collar bone and started sucking on it before licking up his neck leaving a light trail of kisses behind.

He could tell Malfoy was hard and began to rub their cocks together through the fabric of their underwear. They began to grind their hips together and hump one another even with the added friction between them. They didn't mind though. Neither of them had been quite sure whether they were ready for sex with the other. Just being this close to one another was enough for now. Being able to see each other's face when they were so close to release from just a bit of contact seemed a bit unbelievable.

Malfoy flipped them over, allowing himself to dominate over Harry's form. He began layering the boy in kisses while continuing to grind their hips together. He captured Harry in one final kiss as he felt himself release into his shorts. They both let out a string of curses and moans until Scourgifying each other and getting dressed again. They weren't running too late, but there was no chance of them being able to catch the last few minutes of lunch.


I know its a super short chapter and I haven't updated in like almost a week or something. Idk. It feels longer. I just wanted to get something out.

QOTD- Would you guys prefer longer chapters and less frequent updates or shorter chapters and updates every day or every other day?

I'm moving in my dorm on Thursday and I want to make sure I can set a schedule to write and update with.

As always thanks for reading you beautiful Futher Muckers. I really hope you enjoyed this short tidbit. Love you.

-- angel janeé xoxo

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