Chapter Eighteen

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"But I wanna stay here with Daddy."
"I know you do baby, but those boys need looking after."

She huffed slightly, "Okay, but if anyone asks I have been eating."
"Only if you promise to start eating again."

"But I-" She stopped, knowing there really was no point in arguing, "Yes Daddy..."
"Good girl. C'mon, let's go down."

She muttered something about going down on him under her breath, hoping he hadn't heard.

"Maybe later." He said in response, getting up and holding her hand.
Her cheeks went red, "You weren't supposed to hear that..."

"I know." He smirked.

She stuck her tongue out at him and stood up. He smiled, pinching her butt slightly.

She jumped, placing a hand over her butt, "That was not very nice of Daddy..."
Patrick kissed her lips, "No, it wasn't."

She kissed back, continuing down the stairs. He followed her down. She giggled at the sight of Mikey, Luca, and Lincoln attacking Pete with couch cushions and pillows. Pete was rolling around, trying desperately to land a hit with a cushion on any of the three attacking him. He managed to hit Mikey, causing Mikey to land on top of him, giggling like crazy. Pete kissed Mikey gently. He rolled out from underneath him, making sure he didn't land on any vital bones. Mikey laughed at him, sitting up.

"Best friend!!" Dani pouted, "You had such fun and didn't invite me?"
"Well I would've, but I didn't know where you two went and why..." Mikey explained.

Patrick and Pete laughed. Dani looked at Patrick, her puppy dog eyes slipping into play.

"Fine we can join in." He sighed.
Pete smirked, "Come have fun!"

Mikey grinned and threw some pillows and cushions at them.

She smiled, "To the moon and back!"
"I love you baby." Patrick replied, catching the cushion and launching himself at Pete.

Pete squealed, frantically rolling away. Dani caught a pillow and stood behind Luca.

"If you tickle him in a certain spot, his knees will give out." She whispered to Luca about Patrick, explaining where to tickle him.

Patrick laughed, hitting Pete and aiming a soft blow at Mikey too. Mikey threw a pillow at Patrick's face. Luca ran over and tickled him in that one certain spot. Patrick fell over, squeaking.

Dani jumped on him, "Gotcha!"

Patrick laughed, softly shoving her with the cushion. She giggled as she fell backwards.

Lincoln had surrendered, raising his arms and trotting to Pete, "I surrender to the enemy!"

Pete laughed, hugging Lincoln. Lincoln hugged back.

Luca followed, "I am his favourite lil' dude. He said so. I surrender too!"
Pete smirked, "Looks like it's 3 vs 3."

"Au contraire." Dani smirked back, "I'd like to point out that one of the people you're up against is your boyfriend, your babyboy, and the only person who can trick you with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip."
Pete huffed, "Damn."

Luca gasped, Dani went wide eyed.

Lincoln leaned over, "Luke doesn't like it when people say bad words." He whispered.
"Sorry lil' dude." Pete said, pulling Luca in for a hug.

Luca hugged back, "I don't like bad words because Mommy and Daddy used to say them when they yelled at us."
"I'm sorry." Pete said again.

Patrick dived at Pete, trying to lighten the mood. Luca giggled and jumped away. Pete fought back against Patrick, rolling around as Patrick reached out for Dani. Dani grabbed his hand. He pulled Dani on, squeaking a cry for help as Pete's splint caught him in the balls. Dani covered her mouth, trying to stifle a giggle.

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