Chapter 4

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Lara and I sprinted as fast as the sand would allow. I barely acknowleged Calypso in her mermaid form, swimming to catch up.
Turning the last corner, the scene met us. An immense ship had appeared out of no where and its men were on the ship, pirate against crewman, swords clashing and ringing all around the ship.
Instictively, I withdrew my trusty pistol and rushed into the fight. Up the ladder and immediately robbed of my weapon by a man twice my size. Pionting his sword at me, he had a menacing smile on his face.
From behind, Reg drove a sword through the enemy's heart. The man dropped to my feet.
"Captain. Arm yourself." A sword came fling to my direction. Taking it I was absorbed into the battle once more.
"Where did these guys come from?" I asked no one in particular.
"Beats me. Their ship rose up out of the water just like that! As though 'twas a submarine, more like." Answered Reg as he struck down yet another pirate.
Doing the same, I suddenly thought of Lara.
"Lara? Where are you?"
"I'm busy not dying at the moment!"
"Oh. Just checking!" Another man went down by my hand. Lucky I was, to have been trained by my father before he left.
"Where is your captain?" I asked as a particularly skilled individual crossed blades with me.
"You killed him didn't you? We know you did it. The Medallion calls to us."
"What absurdity are you speaking of, pirate?"
It was ridiculous how lazy the government was to let piracy roam rampant when unreachable.
"You have the Medallion. How?"
"Enough!!" Calypso had climbed on board and found her way to the helm. There, she leaned over the rail.
Her scream brought about silence among the men from both crews. This was followed by a wave of whispers all across the deck.
"Your Highness, Calypso. This man--"
"Saved my life. He has also, indeed, relieved of his duties as Keeper for the Pirate Lord."
"But that would mean--"
"Davy Jones, the captian of the Flying Dutchman," she looked over to the neighboring ship, "is dead."
A great roar went up after this announcement.
The battle resumed at full swing. Caught slightly off guard, I had just fast enough wits to intercept and counter my opponent's attack. Cutting him down, I heard yet another shout. This time from a crewman not my own.
"Wait!" Silence, "this would mean that the Dutchman has no Captain. The Dutchman must always have a Captain! What do we do now?"
Another wave of whispers followed.
"I shall captain the Dutchman." All heads turned toward Calypso.
"But Your Highness--"
"There is no one else who would be fit for the job. I shall take the helm as Captain. Those with objections can come speak to me personally."
Of course, no one dared cross her.
"Let me do this. For my husband." Her eyes shone with dedication and will.
"Aye." I said. Every head that was on deck swivvled round to stare incredulously at me. Even I took a while to process what I had just done.
"Aye," I repeated in spite of myself, "Captain Calypso." I bowed low, taking my hat off at her. Still, people stared. Then, Calypso spoke.
"Thank you, once again. Your father would be proud of you, Franklin Stein. He was a great pirate as well."

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