Chapter 21 {More of a Filler, but what ever it was needed}

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*Mitch's P.O.V*

Breanna and I headed out the door, I had promised her that we would go out and find her a date for Jerome and I's wedding, and a man always keeps his word.

Now, secretly while Breanna was getting ready to go out on this adventure I had texted some of my friends that I record with that Breanna hardly knows, and many of them agreed to come out and meet her. But, shh, as I stated before it's a secret....

I had also texted Jerome, telling him that me and Breanna were going out and that him and Tyler should go out as well, he replied telling me that it was a great idea and him and Tyler took up the offer.

"Are you excited to meet some new people?" I asked her, opening my car door for her. I then walked around the other side of the car and got in the drivers side.

"Yes, I suppose I am, but at the same time I am pretty nervous..." She replied with a reassuring smile.

I nodded, "Well, it's good to be nervous, it's your hearts way of telling you that you really care."

Breanna laughed, "Wow Mitch, I didn't know you had a poetic side of you."

I shrugged, playing along, "I know, I'm quite the artist if I do say myself."

*Breanna's P.O.V*

Mitch and I first decided to stop off at a cafe and then head to the club. Not a normal night, I know, but this kind of night for me is hardly normal.

Mitch walked into the cafe first with me following, he ordered us both hot chocolates and got us our table. 

A few minutes later a rather cute looking boy walked into the cafe, and I was surprised when Mitch called out his name. Well actually, I was surprised by two things...

"Hey Tyler!" Mitch said, calling the teen over, "Breanna, this is a friend of mine, Tyler, or Logdotzip as some people over on the youtubes call him."

I was surprised that Mitch new the guy who I thought was cute, and I was also surprised when I learned that he had the same name as my Ex...awkward...

"Hey Breanna, Mitch has mentioned you before, how are you?" Tyler asked me with a warming smile.

"I'm ah, good, you?" I asked him.

"Well, I have to scoot over to the little men's room, Tyler keep her company for me while I'm gone?" Mitch asked him while getting out of his seat and winking at me.

"So, how long have you known Mitch?" Tyler asked me, still holding his charming smile.

"A long time, but it's weird I don't really remember him mentioning you to much, sorry." I said, offering him a smile back.

"That's alright, that just makes me a mystery man right?" Tyler paused for a moment, "I'm only here for a couple more days and would love to see you again, how about we go out sometime soon?"

My smile grew bigger, "Yeah, sure, of course!"

We exchanged numbers and he said his goodbyes, just in time for Mitch to come back to the table.

"How was it?" He asked me.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" I asked him, my silly smile still plastered on my face.

*Jerome's P.O.V*

I smiled to myself as I drove Tyler to his first gay date. He kept on asking me questions, which were fun to answer.

"Do you know him? You're not setting me up with some stranger that you met on the street are you?" Tyler asked me, that was about his thirtieth question of the evening.

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