Disappointment and Death

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1 year later....

I never thought about my death before now. What would happen if I were to die? What would become of Marcellus? Of the Mikaelsons?

Why the sudden talk of death you ask? Well, it all started just a year ago....

1 year ago

The next morning after Kol being daggered, I got ready to go off to town. Marcellus had a terrible day yesterday, so to make him at ease, I will make him chicken pot pie. His favorite dish. I examine myself in the mirror making sure everything was in order and grabbed my change purse, before leaving my room.

As I head for the door, I spot Marcellus studying Hamlet. Once he sees me, he jumps up excitedly. "Mama Lizzie! I did it! I memorized the whole passage. I could perform it for you?"

With a grin, I nod and place my purse down as I listen to his performance. "That was wonderful! I'm sorry I can't stay Little Gerard, but I must get groceries for dinner tonight. Elijah would love to hear it, he would be very proud." He smiles and nods, giving me a hug before I head out the door.

I was a a few yards down the road, when i realized I had forgotten my change purse. I turned and went back inside to hear Marcellus tell Elijah about his success. I listen for Elijah's response as I pick up my purse. "Could you, now? Marcellus, have you ever considered you might not be the center of the given universe?" My exterior changes as I pay careful attention. "Niklaus!" He shouts, making me confused.

Marcellus sounds hurt and confused as he replies. "Are you angry with me?"

Elijah scoffs, making my body tense and my fists clench as i watch from the shadows. "Bored would be a more accurate description. Niklaus, please!"

Niklaus arrives in the room more annoyed than I am. I peek my head around the corner to watch. "What? What is it?"

Elijah sighs. "Remove him. You brought him here. He's your burden to bear, if, indeed, we are to accommodate this little scavenger."

My heart breaks and Niklaus looks at Marcellus​ sympathetically. "Come now, little warrior. Let's have another go at The Bard, shall we?" He takes Marcel and leads him out of the room.

Elijah looked remorseful about being so rude to Marcellus, but shook it off. I appear behind him in the mirror,making him gasp and turn to face me. "Elizabeth!" My arms cross, making it clear I wasn't happy. "Elizabeth I can explain...."

He goes to place a hand on my arm and I back away, causing his arm to fall and he gulps nervously as I begin to speak. "Do you realize what you have done?"

"Elizabeth, please let me ex-"

"You're bored?! A burden to bear?!"

"Elizabeth, I was just trying to-"

"Do you realize how much you just broke that innocent boy?! He looked up to you!"

"That was the problem! He helps Niklaus and I was getting in the way! So I removed myself!"

"This was all for your brothers redemption?"

"Yes. I am giving up my happiness so that he can change. I see it in him." He places his hands on my arms with a smile. "Don't you see, Elizabeth? He is changing slowly, but surely! He can almost taste redemption!"

My breaths become heavy as my hurt and anger grow. "At what cost, Elijah? You just broke the heart of a little 11 year old boy. Was I next? Were you going to be rid of me to?"

"Yes. If it was for my family." I push him away and turn away. "You said so yourself, Elizabeth! You would do the same-" His head turns to the side and a dark red handprint appears on his face.

"DO NOT twist my words. There is a difference between giving up love for family, but to destroy the heart and soul of a young boy who seen you as a father figure is completely different! He trusted you!" I scoff and throw up my hands. "I trusted you, but I guess I should have known better than to trust a vampire!" Hurt flashes in his eyes as I snatch my purse up and look at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. "You get what you want, Elijah Mikaelson. I never want to see you again!"

I turn and leave, slamming the door behind me. How could he do this to Marcellus? Yes, it hurts me that he was willing to give up our love, but what he done to my Little Gerard was much worse.

If he wishes to be a martyr, then I will let him have his wish. No longer will he have to worry about me, or my Little Gerard. Fore, we will no longer be his problem.

As I have a rant in my head, I bump into someone. "I am so sorry, please-" When I met the eyes of my father, I immediately took back my apology.

His grin widens. "Elizabeth! How are you and that brat of yours? And of course your demon house patrons, did they turn you into one of them yet?"

A scoff leaves my lips. "The only demon around here is you, Father. Marcellus is the exact opposite of a brat, and definitely no concern of yours, and neither am I."

I go to pass him when he suddenly grabs my arm, speaking softer, vulnerable, making me turn to look at him in shock. "Lizzie, please, I wish to show you something."

Against my better judgement, I nod and let him guide me away. As we walk, I whisper a spell under my breath causing Niklaus to see everything I do. I don't trust my father for one second.

After a few minutes, we approach a very lovely house designed just like my childhood home. He stops after we walk in and turns to me. "I had this house built for you. It was meant as a wedding present." My eyes sadden as I look around the house. He continues. "I wasn't always the horrible man you see me as, Lizzie. I loved you very much. You were my little girl. Unfortunately, you became a problem. As I always taught you, problems must be executed."

Suddenly, five men come out of different parts of the house and surround me. My eyes widen and I look at him with hatred. "You won't get away with this!" I lift my hands trying to use my magic, but it failed, making me panic.

His lips curl into a cruel smirk. "Ah! Nice try, but this is a no magic zone. Good bye Elizabeth." He walks away and out the door.

The men immediately pounce, kicking and punching me until I fall. My blood soaked the floor. My breath staggered, my body going numb. Even as I hear sudden screaming and yells of agony, I couldn't move. Arms pull me up and I see the face of Niklaus Mikaelson. I use the last of my breath to make a last request. "T-tell M-marcellus, I-I l-love him." My vision blurs, but at the last moment I see Niklaus bite into his wrist.

1 year later

So, here I am. Stuck in darkness. I don't know how long I have been, but I know it's been a while. All I have been doing is reliving memories, and try to figure out what went wrong, and what could have been.

I can hear the Mikaelsons every once in a while. Wishing I would awaken. And every time, I would try to shout to them how much I'm trying.....

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