Chapter Three - Ruya

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 Her canorous laugh echoed throughout the garden when she saw Nándor's shocked expression. "Did you not think that we of the Aerie could not detect his chicanery? We knew of it long before he arrived."

"No, my lady. I'm delighted that you were not deceived by his duplicity. He's fooled many, much to my country's detriment. I was so close to finding him. If only . . ." he trailed off, rubbing his forehead as sudden exhaustion hit. Both the journey and the rush of emotion at missing his target had taken their toll on him.

"Come," she said concern etching her features. She motioned for him follow her. "What you need are a warm bath, meal, and bed."

Nándor nodded with a slight grin at the celerity of her shifting personas. "I would appreciate that, my lady."

They exited through a different gateway and traversed a straight corridor of celadon brick. After a while, she broke the silence. "My name is Ruya, by the way. It seems I have forgotten my manners. I do not converse with our guests usually."

They turned right at the end of the corridor. Nándor gazed at her. "May I ask why?"

"I do not mind," Ruya assured him, but Nándor got the impression that there was resentment there. "My augur abilities do not pertain to individuals. I see events on world scale."

Her mouth thinned. "Doyen Cem does not think it wise for me to see our guests. He wishes to protect me. He believes that too much interaction with individuals would cause interference in my gift."

"And you believe otherwise," he surmised.

She did not reply. Instead, she stopped in front of a beautiful door. The marquetry design of the dragon was intricate. Its spread wings covered the top half of the door. The tips of each wing met at the center just under the doorjamb.

"This is your room. A bath awaits you." Opening the door, she entered. "It is near crepuscule. Our final meal is served then. Someone will come and escort you to the hall."

She made to leave but Nándor stopped her with a gentle hand. "You believe differently, don't you, Lady Ruya?"

She directed her gaze directly at him. Her eyes coruscated with power, her demeanor authoritative and sure. "Yes."

His cynosure of her was secured in that moment.

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