Chapter Twenty-One - Desert

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Five days of scorching heat, burning sand, and undulating air. Five days of avoiding the ugsome companions she was forced to travel. Only Garrick kept her safe, and she was grateful.

It had been only the night before. Esben had grabbed her arm and dragged her toward his tent. Garrick ripped her away, ordered her to the tent, and had an all-out confrontation with Esben. Today, the umbrage was palatable between the two men. The silence made the long road even longer.

Surprised that they stopped so early in the day, she looked to Garrick. He had dismounted and pulled his horse into the umbriferous rocks. She followed suit, studying the enormous formation of sharp, black stone. In the sea of shifting umber sand, it rose like mountain. Its shadow stretched far, giving them a retreat from the unrelenting heat.

"Why have we stopped?"

Garrick gazed out over the ubiquitous horizon. "We're waiting for Ahriman."


The shadows had marked the hours as they shifted direction. A cold chill crawled across her body when a dark splotch appeared on the horizon. She knew who approached. Knots formed in her stomach as it churned. Clammy sweat and a sour taste in her mouth had her forcing back a gag.

She was so close to it. The pulsing beat drew near as Ahriman drew near.

She wanted to clutch her head, rip out her hair, and ululate until her throat was raw. Only that would be untoward to show weakness here in the company of such men.

No, she was stronger than that, butthe ubiquitousness of that thing would testher resolve and will.    

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