Chapter 3

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][ Kat's POV ][

As I cried, I decided I should go on Twitter and talk to my 17 followers.

I tweeted a couple things before Oli had tweeted, saying that he got his tattoo today.

My tears never stopped, but I did start to feel a little better, wondering if it could be me.

When he posted a picture of it, I thought I almost died. I fit the description.

I tweeted something, asking if I should post a picture of mine and after a couple seconds, he liked it!


Okay, okay, chill. I posted a picture of it and he liked that too.

Physically, I'm okay. Mentally, I'm really fucked up right now.

A knock on the door brought me from my thoughts.

I set my phone down and ran downstairs.

As I opened it, a lady dressed very professionally, smiled at me.

"How can I help you?" I wiped my tears.

"Are you Kat Cooper?" She asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"May I come in? I must speak with you." She told me.

I nodded and opened the door for her. "Please, have a seat."

"Thank you. I'm here to discuss some things with you." She told me as she sat.


"You're 18, correct?" She asked.

"Correct." I confirmed.

"Since in America you have to be 21 to be able to get a job, other than a few exceptions, I'm very sorry but your time in this house is limited. I understand that everything has just happened today, but you can't get a job for another three years and this house can only be payed for for so long. I'm here to tell you that I will be your case worker, when you can't pay for things any longer, I'll take you to a foster home." She explained.

I nodded. "My parents had some saved up money that I have access to, so I can be on my own for a couple more weeks." I informed her.

"Good to know. Here is my card. When anything comes up, I want you to call me. I'll be back in a week if I don't hear from you." She told me.

"You got it." I smiled.

"Thank you for taking time to speak with me. I must go. Goodbye." She gave a small save as I walked her to the door.

I nodded as a silent 'bye'.

I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone.

I tweeted a quick "My life is falling apart right now." And I decided to go to the store so I could stock up on food.

I went down to my parents room and squeezed my eyes shut before walking in and taking the money without touching anything else.

As soon as I walked out of the house, I put my headphones in and started my walk to the store.

I decided I wanted to clear my head, so I took a route I don't usually take.

On the way, I saw this huge house. It looked like the kind of house someone famous would live in. It would make sense for a couple of celebrities to live around here.

I stopped and admired it for a moment before I kept walking.

For some reason, I just felt drawn to it.

I shook my head at myself and kept walking.

When I finally got to the store, I just wondered around, putting things in the cart I'll need within the next week.

As I made my way to the register, someone grabbed my arms and yanked me away from the cart, and out of a side exit.

They put a hand over mouth so I kicked and screamed all that I could, but they sure as hell didn't let go.

Finally, I was slammed against the wall, letting me see the culprit.

"You think you can just skip school like that and get away?" Collin hissed.

"It wasn't my fault." I told him.

"You left. You didn't have to, but you did. So it is your fault." He pulled me back before slamming me into the wall again.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

"Why should I?" He laughed at my patheticness.

"They died! That's why I fucking left school! My dad got shot and killed! You happy?!" I yelled.

His eyes flashed with sympathy, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

"You deserve to be left alone. You have nobody now. No friends, no family, your soul mate hasn't even found you. Usually if they're close, they're found quickly, but not with you. Your life must suck." He laughed before dropping me to the ground.

He gave me a couple of fast kicks before spitting on me.

"Go to hell." I coughed as he walked away.

I didn't have the courage to stand up, so I just layed there, sobbing like a child who wants their teddy bear.

How do I get away from them? How do I get them to leave me alone? I could drop out of school. I mean, there's not really a point in going anymore. I only kept up with it for my parents.

I sighed and forced myself to stand up. I thought for a moment and decided not to go back inside, I just wanted to go home.

I shoved my headphones in again, and listened to the music so loud my eardrums very painfully vibrating to the beat.

Sorry OS, but I need this to relax right now before I breakdown in public.

I took the same path home, but when I did, I passed by the house again.

It looked big enough to house 10-15 people.

As I continued to walk, it almost felt like I needed to know this place. I stopped to admire it for a second time, but this time, my wrist started to almost throb as I stood there.

It started to scare me, because I had never heard anything about the tattoo hurting. I quickly walked the rest of the way home and ended up falling asleep on the couch, music still playing.

Tattoo (Oliver Sykes) Where stories live. Discover now