Chapter 8

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][ Kat's POV ][

I went into my phone and checked what Oli saved his name as.

(Heart with a bow emoji and kissy face emoji)

It had already been a while since he left and I was just laying in bed.

I figured I could go ahead and text him.

"Hey Oli, it's Kat." I sent.

(K-Kat   O-Oli)

O- Hey Kitty Kat! Is everything okay?

K- Yeah, I just wanted to text you so you had my number.

O- Okay. It's pretty boring here. Do you mind if we text for a little?

K- No, of course not. What are you up to?

O- I'm just talking to you. Are you doing okay?

K- Yeah, I'm alright. The house just feels kind of... Empty...

O- I'm really sorry, love. I've been talking to the guys and they're good with you moving in.

K- Okay, I'm glad. It'd be awkward if they didn't want me to.

O- Even if they didn't, I'd force them to be okay with it. Also, we may or may not have other people moving in with us.

K- Who?


K- From what I've heard, they're nice people.

O- Yeah, they wanted to move to this part of America and we offered to let them stay with us at least temporarily while they find a place.

K- Why did you guys move to America?

O- Better business, believe it or not, but I'm glad we did. I found you faster than I would have.

K- Aww!

O- Can you do me a favor?

K- Sure, anything.

O- Tomorrow when you fix your hair, can you move your bangs to the side a little more? I love your eyes and it makes you even more beautiful when I can see them both fully. It's okay if you don't want to, I was just wondering if you could.

K- You're such a charmer. And of course, I'd do anything for you.

O- One more thing.

K- Okay?

O- If anything ever happens, or if you need anything at all, please get me. I don't care if I'm in the middle of a concert, if your name pops up on my phone screen, I'm gonna be off that stage in a matter of seconds. Promise me you'll always call or come get me if something happens.

K- I promise.

O- Thank you. I'm getting tired. I'm gonna go to bed.

K- Okay. Goodnight Oli

O- Goodnight babe

I set my phone on my side table and smiled to myself. Laying down, I cuddled under the covers and drifted off.


I woke up to the sound of banging and glass breaking.

My reaction was to jump up and look for a weapon. I went to my closet and pulled out my metal baseball bat.

I locked my bedroom door and picked up my phone. More breaking glass could be heard as I called Oli.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a tired voice as he answered.

"I'm sorry f-for waking you up, but-but someones in my house." I whispered.

"Shit, stay on the phone with me. I'm getting someone and I'm coming to you. Do you have a weapon?"

"A metal baseball bat." I heard their footsteps coming up the stairs and I ran to my closet. "They're coming."

"Don't freak out. If anyone tries to come near you, swing. Where are you?"

"In my closet." I answered.

"We're on our way, sweetie. Lee called the police so hang tight." He told me.

Someone opened the door to my room so I set the phone down on the floor. I stepped toward the left of the doorway so I wouldn't be immediately seen.

I heard footsteps coming closer and someone entered the closet. They had a knife in their gloved hand, causing me to whimper.

"There you are." The man said as I gripped the bat tighter.

He held out his knife, and it was enough to make me hold up the bat and swing it. It hit his head and his head hit the doorway, making a bloodstain that led down to where he fell on the floor.

I could hear Oli calling my name through the phone, and sirens in the distance.

I dropped the bat and picked up my phone.

"Oli, please tell me your almost here." I whimpered into the phone as I heard more footsteps.

"Kat, stay calm. We're pulling in behind the police. Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" He panicked.

"I'm okay. I just... I-" I stopped myself.

"It's okay, love. Don't freak out. I can see your house and the police are pulling in now. Stay where you are." He told me.

"Okay. I can here the cops coming in." My eyes never left the motionless body at my feet. His face looked really beat up, and it was too dark to see who it was.

I listened as they arrested two other people.


"I'm here. I'm not allowed to come in the house and get you, but I told them you're in there." He sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Princess. You did nothing wrong. I'm glad you called me." He comforted me.

"I'm going to hang up. I'll see you soon." I said as I heard the cops come upstairs.

"Okay. See you soon." I hung up and stepped out.

"Are you the one they call Kat?" One asked me.

I nodded and wiped my tears.

"Come on." He nodded for me to follow him.

I slipped on my converses without putting them all the way on my feet and followed them outside.

Some investigators and police went inside and they called me towards their car for questioning.

I could see Oli, but he was behind the police line and couldn't get to me.

They asked me questions about what happened and I told them the entire story, not saying a single lie.

It had been about two hours and I still wasn't allowed to go.

An investigator came outside and talked to the officer I had talked to about everything. They discussed something and the officer approached me.

"Kaitlin Cooper, you're under arrest for murder." Everything in me dropped. Every last piece of me, on the ground.

He read me my Miranda Rights and I stood there while he handcuffed me.

I was led to another car so now I was in sight of Oli, since I had earlier been pulled away.

He saw me and immediately became outraged.

I could hear him yelling and trying to run towards me, but his band mates held him back.

"She did nothing wrong! Let her go!!" He cried.

He stopped struggling against the other guys and stared at me.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed before they pushed me into the back seat of a car.

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