Well this is trash...like me. This is kinda sorta my thoughts and my experiences but because i am a fucking antisocial bean I am putting my thoughts on here to avoid sharing it in real life, face to face with real people
Well i'm on lock down..sorta. You see because of the bullshit grades I have i'm not supposed to be having any electronics but ha I don't give a shit. If my mom thinks she can take away my damn stuff she is wrong. I mean she can try..but it won't end well. Last time she tried to take my stuff I left the house and went to my friends house for a week . Ha but the bitch tried. Now you all can say that i'm being rude but frankly she isn't the fucking nicest so... Like the last real conversation we had was her telling me that being lesbian is wrong and that i'm gonna go to hell for my sins... WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT. I DON'T CARE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE OR WHO YOU ARE TAKING TO YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT. But that doesn't matter right now cause all I want to do is curl up in a ball and watch Scream the TV Series (even though I finished it and am waiting for the new episode tonight) cause i need my Bex fix. I mean if you don't watch Bex Taylor-Klaus at least once a day you will most likely die since she is like hot and she's fucking goals. Now if you'll excuse me...
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