Chapter 15

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How have you guys been? Long time no update,right?

We were locked in the dungeon. Okay, not really but we were locked in a cell. I just wanted to use the word dungeon because it makes me sound kind of old and all medieval-ly. I also just want to keep this story interesting and give it a dark background. Okay, enough of my babbling.

We're currently in a dark cell that smelled like death, urine and feces. My eyes are starting to water from the stench and I do not know how much longer I can take.

I stood up and walked toward the cell door and let my arms hangs through the cell bars. (You know what I'm talking about, right?) I then started messing with the cells locked. If only I had a Bobby pin or something I could pick a lock with. Back home, when Jase was available, would teach me basic survival skills and of course that included picking locks, which became helpful at times when I needed to hide from the abuse and a door was locked. I guess I can say I'm pretty handy with it.

"Great, we're stuck in this hell hole and that's not the worst part. My bra's metal ring thingy popped out and is stabbing me!" Deija complained behind me. Every girls struggle. "It won't go back in, no matter how many times I push it down."

"Wait, I can use that to pick the lock." I said facing her.


"Nah, I'm just saying to raise your hopes up. Yes, really! Now hand it over!" I extend my arm out to her as she digged inside her shirt to acquire our only chance at escape. Now I know it may seem weird for her to dig in her boobs from a different perspective but desperate times calls for desperate measures. Girls gotta do what girls gotta do.

"My left boob feels like it's hanging now." she commented.

"We'll get you a new bra or put the metal thingy back, when we escape.'" I said confidently.

As she handed me the metal thingy, I "stuck" my head out through the cell opening and check if their was anyone patrolling. I don't need to get caught at this moment. When the coast was cleared, I picked the locked expertly till I heard that satisfying click and the door opening.

"Voilà, zee door iz open." I said with an accent.

"Fantastic!" She whispered "Let's go!" She said with a wave of her hand.

"I was planning on staying here, I just opened the door just because." I replied with a roll of my eyes as I followed her out. There was barely any lighting down there, but thanks to our hightened senses with can see in the dark better than humans can.

"Quit with the sarcastic remark. I know you're scared." She looked back.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it!" Deija has noticed that when I'm terrified snarky remarks tend to come out from my mouth. I have no control of it.

We slid across the wall and tiptoed our way out of the DUNGEON. I really do love that word.

It was quiet, too quiet.

This pack really needs to strengthen their security, two young girls were able to escape without a problem. I'm not complaining or anything I'm just saying.

"Hey, hey, hey. I see a light up ahead." Deija said while smacking me without looking. Am I the only one that has a friend that wacks us every darn time they get excited over something? Yeah? Oh, okay never mind. I'll just sulk I'm some corner and suffer on my own. I mentally trace my finger from the corner of eye to my chin. Tear, Tear.

Stop it, Mimi! Quit being distracted!

We had reached a a clearing with no one insight.

This pack really needs to tighten their security. Layla said.

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