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I woke up from yelling i gate up and gate dress and sit down on my bed brushing my hair I herd a knock on the door I quickly put the brush away and said "yes you can Come in" my step dad came in while saying "yeah am better allowed in" he looked at me and saw I was ready for school and said "if you was already ready you shuld off came out about and hour ago stupid!!!" he looked angry but also tired then he said "well you can see am tired so you will pass for know so leave your late so walk to school" I nod my head left my room while walking to the front door my sister name ' Lucy ' walked in front off me and said " where do you think your going stupid" I looked at the floor then pointed to the way to school then she said "oh bwahahahahha good luck walking in the rain" I looked at her and quickly ran out the door while walking to school I seen a bus going to the same school and then I seen one kid raise he's Hand and said "bus driver please stop the bus that kid gose to the same school as us" the bus driver seen me and said "Sure she would get a cold by walking in the rain " the buss driver stop the bus and said "hey kid get on the buss" he was talking to me so then I hurried on the bus and set down next to the kind kid who told the bus driver to stop for me I said " hi and thanks " he said " no problem and plus the teachers would gat even made if they saw you wet I bet everyone is nice to you though and my name is Mike .Mike noon " I looked at him wishing that I would be treated better at my new school and said "yeah I wish. . .my name is Star.Star Death Lada " he looked at me I think he thinks am a killer then he said "why do you wish " I said "did you not wondering why I was walking in the rain for school "then he said "no but why" I said sadly "well I woke up late gate dress and missed the buss and my parents made me walk in the rain for school my step dad dose not know I woke up late" he said shoked "wow and I thought my life was though " the bus was at school and I just said "bye" I walk to exit the bus but at the door the buss driver said "do you always get off early " I said "no sir today in my Class am supposed to be there 10 minutes early so the teacher won't yell at me sir" he let me off the buss I walked fast to the class room *I woke up because the teacher hit me with a book * Luna my friend said "what where you doing you was passed out for a long time " I said "just had a flash back from the very first day I meet Mike and also my first day at school " Luna said "don't do that you don't wanna remember how hard your teachers and parents was on you " I said "I know but it's not my fault it just happens "the teacher called 'Mrs.Lum' said " do yall two have something you wanna tell the class " I stood up and said " See yah suckers" and left the class room behind me I herd the teacher said "COME BACK HERE RIGHT KNOW" then Luna said while coming also "don't leave me beasty" we both walked to Luna's house and sneaked in from Luna's window.

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