Day 4

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Okay! Warning about the first part of this chapter, it'll be dark and unacceptable. So be careful!
* will mean that it's not as dark as before!
-Stay Kawaii<3

Luma's POV:

I slowly wake up in my warm bed. My body was throbbing with pain, especially my throat.

As I looked around my room I noticed that Aunt Petra was asleep in Taio's bed. I stumbled out of bed, knocking my journal off of the nightstand that is shared between our beds.

"What going on....?" Asks Aunt Petra, sounding exhausted.

"Auntie. It's me." I huffed out, I was having problems speaking. Her eyes widen, filled with alert. She jolts out of bed. "Luma you're awake." She whispers.

"How long have I been out?" I mumbled.

"About a day." She says as she guides me back to my bed.

Minutes later she comes in with Taio and in the door way was Levi.

"Luma!" Shouts Taio as he runs up and arms wraps round my torso. 

"Shhh... Taio." My voice sounding raspy.

"Sorry." He pouts as he sits on his bed.

Aunt Petra sits on the side of my bed, "Luma. Tell me what happened." She instructed.

I gulp, "I can't tell you..." I whispered as I stared through the doorway. I feel myself trembling. I could feel her dark, monstrous eyes watching me.

"Momma!" Taio shouts as he runs up to hug Danni.

"Petra to tell you she is, sick. Sick in the head." Danni snarls.

Aunt Petra shakes her head.

"But you beat me whenever you get the chance to." I forced out. My voice almost made no effort to be loud enough to be heard. *

I could feel Taio's worried eyes watching.

"Levi. Please take Taio out?" Asks Aunt Petra.

"Tch. It's not my fucking problem." Hisses Levi as he takes Taio by the arm. Out of nowhere Danni was about to strike Levi. But it resulted him holding back her blow. "Don't you touch my only son." She snarls at him. He rolls his grey eyes and walk out of there with Taio.

Danni angrily stalks back to the living room. "Luma tell me everything." Says Aunt Petra as she places her cold hand onto my shoulder.

I point to my throat. "Oh yes..." She mutters under her breathe as she reaches out for my journal and hands it to me.

I flip open to a new, crisp page.

Day 4:
Long story told short.
My father married Danni shortly my mother passed away when I was 6. With Danni she had a newly born son named Sid. But sadly a few months later, the child passed away. Of course Danni was devastated. I guess out of remorse she automatically assumed that it was my fault. She quickly started to blame everything on me. Why we lost money and that she had to transition to Upper Class to Lower Class and why her child died. And shortly every night she started to beat me, calling me a monster, a helpless bitch and many more foul names.

2 years later my cousin Taio came to live with us when he was only 4 because earlier that year his parents were finded with 30 years in prison for murdering a mother and her 3 children. Please don't tell anyone that Aunt Petra.

Danni quickly became fond of Taio. Taking him in as her own son. I guess in a way it was for filling up the emptiness in her. And luckily the beatings became less and less as the years went on. But about a year ago they became more brutal.

I hand the page to Aunt Petra. She reads it thoughtfully. "Thank you Luma. But do tell who your mother was." I could tell that she wanted an answer. She hands me my journal back.

All what I know that she was from the Underground.

She was watching over my shoulder. "I'm taking you with me." Declares Aunt Petra.

"Can you walk?" She asks me as she helps me out of bed. Barely, I scribbled down in my journal.

"Ummm. Corporal Mike can help you." Suggests Aunt Petra as she takes me with her.

In the living room was Taio sleeping in Danni's lap with Levi keeping a close eye on her. Suddenly the front door opens.

"The wagon is fixed." Says Mike as he walks in with his mud covered boots on.

"Good." Snaps Levi as he stands up.

"Lets get going." Says Mike.

"I'm taking my niece with us." Says Aunt Petra. There was no reply expect for Levi slamming the door behind him.

"Go get ready Luma." Aunt Petra tells me. I slowly make my way back to my room and tightly close the door behind me.

I undress out of my tattered dark grey dress and into my mother's black traveling slacks and a navy blue shirt that has a fancy weaving outlining the v-neckline. I slip into my black boots and reach for my bag. Inside it have my journal for starters and then I started to shove my knife with hair ties and an extra shirt. It wasn't much but it had to do. As well I slip on my black jacket and head out to the wagon.

Outside I saw Aunt Petra and Levi loading up the Regiment's wagon. I feel a tug on my sleeve.

"Are you really going, Luma?" It was Taio. Oh god.... "Yes I am." I said to him. I close my eyes and feel him hug me.

"Why do you have to go?" He asks me.

"So I can be free." I whispered to him. "You've always have said that." He grumbles.

"I'm also doing it because father was never able to and for you." I continued.

"I'm gonna miss you, Luma." He was crying now. I pull him off of me and look his lonely grey eyes.

"I'll be around, soon. I promise." I said to him as I started to walk away from him. I could hear him crying. I'm so sorry Taio. It's for you, why I'm doing this...

I slowly climb into the back of the wagon. Aunt Petra helps me in. "Bye!" I hear Taio shout at me. I turn to wave at him and through the window I could see father. He had this look of hatred for me. But why should I care.

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