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I open my eyes and realized I was knocked out. I look around and I'm In a bag? I'm in a bag! I start to move around until I hear a voice, "Leave the thing there." I get dropped onto the ground and feel rocks? I get out of the bag and I fall on my face once I get out of the tiny shaped bag.

I rub my eyes and look up seeing a boy. He had glowing red eyes looking down at me with a sword in his hand. He wore dark colored boots and a dark tunic with pants grey pants. I finally come to was almost a clone of Link..expect darker. "So you're the 'Angel' my pal always dreams about." He said smirking. He starts to walk closer to me giving me goose bumps.

He's looking In between my eyes making me feel paralyzed. I start feeling uncomfortable as he gets closer and closer to me. "Well, now we just wait for your prince charming to come and rescue you.", he said laying his hand under my chin. "Now, we just wait. Good luck angel." He said walking away from me and exiting the room.

I blinked as a few moments passed and realized he left. I run to this old wooden door and bang on it trying to push out. Sadly, that didn't work very well the door was very sturdy. "Hey! Let me out!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I wait to hear a voice but nothing.

"Please, Link?!" I say hoping he was right there. "Link.." I look up and see a small opening in the roof. I can see the smallest bit of moon light and look around and see stacked up boxes. I get an idea and stack them up higher and climb them, and that's what I did.

I finally climb up and surprisingly reached the roof. I climb on top and see the moonlight shining down on me making me feel..alone but happy. I look down at my hands and see the moonlight in my hands. I smile thinking of Link. My eyes start to tear up just thinking of him, 'I miss him..'. I close my eyes and feel tears roll down my cheeks making me chuckle about how crazy this all seems.

I wipe away my tears from my cheeks. I sigh and feel a pair of arms wrap around me saying, "We're you thinking of me?" I hear some one say. I gasp turning around and seeing a pair of blue sparking eyes looking at me. I smile and see its Link. I hug him back giving him a massive bear hug. "I'm so happy you're here.." I say faintly. "I missed you to, Angel."

I close my eyes feeling safe and warm in Link's arms as I close my eyes. I open my eyes and realize I'm in the dark. I look around and see darkness and a few small candles lighting up a little bit of the dark room. I sigh sitting on the ground shivering as a cold breeze blows through the air. I lightly wrap my wings around the shoulders making me warm realize I was just imagining Link here..

I shiver because my legs started to feel numb because it got so cold that it started to snow. I close my eyes feeling snow flakes place on my head. I fall asleep hoping to see Link soon enough.

   I wake up very warm and cozy. I get up and look outside the window and see snow, snow and more snow. I look around and see and big room, next to the door was a pure white robe. I walked over to the robe and slip it on. It was very soft, as soft as wings are a baby bird just about to fly.

   I squish the white robe up against my face making me very happy. I opened the door the robe was hanging on, and see a dark figure standing in front of me.

   "Your lil' 'elf' was dreaming about you last night." He said slowly walking towards me. I swallowed and kept my confidence up, "I want to go home." I say standing up straight and tall. "Too bad, Angel. Not until some one comes and gets you, or maybe..some one does." He said walking so close to me I could feel his warm breath. "Y-You don't mean that, do you?" I say starting I shake in fear. "Of course not. I mean, I'm going to kill him once he comes to get you.."

   "Like YOU can actually take him on." I say crossing my arms against my chest trying to act confident. "Don't be so scared, Angel. He's only gunna die of fear." He said laying his hand under my chin. "What do you mean?" I say fearful. "Let's just say, I'm gunna give him a shot with a needle called..fear acid. A liquid that is going to make him so horrified that he'll have a heart attack." He smirked leaning closer to me.

   "You wouldn't dare hurt him.." I say making my eyes water thinking of what will happen to him. "Imagine it at night, because it's going to happen." He let go of my chin and walked away. "Maid, take this boy to the cellar."This girl with brown hair and probably a bit taller then me walked over to me and took my arm and dragged me down to the cellar.

"Hey! Stop!" I say trying to get out of the girls grasp. We both get down to a old jail cell. "I'm sorry, Angel." I get thrown into a cold, old, rusty cell shivering my nose off. "P-Please.." I say trying to get the girl's attention. It was to late, she had left and I was here..alone. I look around seeing a little window with bars of steel blocking me from the outside world. "How did this happen.." I say sliding down the cold, slimy wall. I rub my hands on
my arms trying to keep them warm.

I sat there, and sat there until I heard clinging of swords. The first thing that came to my mind was a battle.

   I quickly jumped up almost falling right onto my face because I shot up so quickly. I got up and ran to the door and pushed on it as hard as I could. It was no use, I couldn't open it. I gave up for that moment until I found a old, rusty stone sword lying around. I quickly picked it up and ran to the door using the sword to jab my way through it.

   After minutes of trying I finally got it open, I smiled and quickly went up to the floor I heard all the commotion coming from. I sprint up to the floor even trying to use  my wings but I ended up falling on the ground when I tried that..whoops.

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