Interlude (Part 2): Keeping Appointments and Following Others

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5 Hours Earlier
Ciel's P.O.V.

"I suppose this solves the Jack the Ripper case. Well that was easier than I had expected." Ciel said with a sigh of relief before shuddering in discomfort as he remembered what he had to do just a few hours ago. "That perverted Viscount will rot in prison now, and I never, ever, wish to see another corset in my life..." He thought to himself as he relived for a second the torture that had been putting one on. And why had he had to wear one? Well after Ciel, Sebastian, Madame Red, and Lau had left to pay a visit to Lord Randall, the commissioner of Scotland Yard, and Abberline, some rookie detective who was his new partner, to see if they could get any useful Intel on the recent murders as well as getting a look at one of the corpses but got nothing of importance so they decided to go see another specialist on this matters. They went to see the Undertaker, a contact of his who would deliver him any information he needed regarding the British underworld at ridiculous prices, quite literally, given he did not demand money but jokes as compensation for the information. So Ciel had spent all afternoon listening to Lau and Madame Red try their luck at making him laugh with corny jokes and distasteful gossip until finally Sebastian told him a joke so amusing he was happy to tell them everything he knew and more. Then after learning the way in which the killer was operating, disfiguring the bodies and taking organs from the corpses, they concluded it had to be an individual, most likely a noble, who possessed the necessary medical skills to perform a surgery within minutes on an open road and probably had to be affiliated with some secret society given that most people who were at the time, tended to perform strange rituals that required organ removals. After they discussed who could it be, they finally narrowed down the Viscount of Druitt as the prime suspect from a list Ciel had Sebastian put together, and decided to disguise themselves and sneak into a gathering he happened to be hosting that same evening. But somehow they made him agree to a plan where he had to specifically dress up as a girl in order to seduce the Viscount, who just happened to like any pretty little thing in a skirt. And so that's when his torture began. They gave him all the lessons a girl has to have in order to become proper lady throughout her whole live in one hour, followed by trapping him in a vile corset, and then being submitted to the horrible trying of dress after dress until finally his aunt had decided he looked just like a girl. But it had not been for nothing as after a few misunderstandings, Lizzy and Amelia randomly showing up at the gathering and almost busting him, having the Viscount get a bit too hands on with him one too many times, and getting drugged and kidnapped before being auctioned off, Ciel had finally been able to catch Jack the Ripper.

"That is all that matters..." he thought as he took another sip from his tea. As he did this Sebastian smirked and placed the day's newspaper in front of him. Ciel didn't fail to catch the mocking look the demon gave him and glared back at him.
"What is it demon?"

"Young master, you might wish to read todays's headlines."
Ciel raised an eyebrow at his comment but none the less picked the newspaper up and quickly scanned it.
"The Ripper Strikes Again: Prostitute Murdered in Alley"
Ciel's eyes widen for a split second before they went back to normal. He would not give the wretched demon the satisfaction of seeing him distressed. It was bad enough he had to admit he had been right all along...
"Well demon, we go to plan B after all. Have a carriage ready, we'll leave at nightfall." Ciel then told Sebastian as he put the newspaper down and slowly got up.
"We've got a murder to stop and an appointment to keep."
Sebastian smirked even wider.
"Yes, young master."


2 Hours Earlier
Amelia's POV
Amy yawned tiredly as she began to take off her dress and corset, and slipped into her nightgown. It was quite late, and she was exhausted. After she left the house in tears Grell took her to a bakery nearby and she got some cake and tea, and laughed at Grell's antics for a while. Then as they where preparing to leave and go back to the house Elizabeth showed up out of the blue and unable to contain her excitement at seeing Amelia, she invited her to a ball at Lord Druitt's home. At first Amelia did not wish to attend but after Lizzie being so persistent about it for a good ten minutes she finally agreed and left with with her and Paula after sending Grell back to the house to let her brother know where she would be. Lizzie then took her back to her London home, dressed her up in a bright pink gown that wasn't much to her liking, and then and only then did they leave to attend the event. Once they got there they danced, ate, and laughed, and she even saw Madame Red there for a while but only from a distance. Every time she tried to get close to say a quick hello for some reason or another something kept her from getting closer so in the end she just gave up. Something similar happened to Elizabeth as well with a beautiful girl in a pink dress and long dark pigtails but after a while she gave up as well and after it got quite late they both decided to leave. Elizabeth escorted her back home, and then she left after suffocating Amy for a good five minutes reminding her all the while to say hello to her darling Ciel.
"I'm just glad to be home..." She thought to herself as she made her way to the window of her current room. As she had been making her way back home with Lizzie she hadn't helped but noticed that the moon looked so beautiful that particular night, and she wanted to see it once more. But as she found herself looking out her window something called Amelia's attention. More specifically a carriage stationed in front of the house and Ciel and Sebastian walking towards it in a hurry, practically dressed in rags.
"What are these two up two?"
She was really dying to know. It had to be something important for Ciel to be dressed like that and maybe it would actually help explain some of his strange behavior lately. "I have to do this..." She then thought to herself as she quickly ran out of her room, not even stopping to put on some shoes or grab a coat, and made her way down the stairs and out of the house. She then sneaked behind some bushes and waited for Sebastian to help Ciel into the carriage and tell the driver where they were going.
"Whitechapel, in the East End of London..."
And just like that she knew where to go.

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