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Flash back:

"WHAT THE FUCK!? HOW DID THIS FUCKING HAPPEN!?" He shouted i smiled, but I'm so tired i fainted and went to sleep.....


[Bobby's P.o.v] 

I was working my shift at a local store that no one knows, It's small but quiet popular and has very well pay.

I was in the middle of doing an order when Brooke called me,

"Sorry Sir but i need to pick up this call!" 

"Well go on then!" The boss shouted and shooed me out the shop as he went back to work, I answered the call and was about to go deaf by brooke shouting.

"Bobby! Bobby! Y/n's In danger she's fighting Jessie!" She shouted,

"Where are you?!" I shouted back,

"I'M AT HOME! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!" She started crying, 

"Wait there I'll be on my way home!" I shouted and hung up,


"go" He said I nodded and ran out the store with my skateboard as I hurriedly skated to our street xxx, The wind gushing through the thin cloth on my shirt make me shiver a bit but that wasn't important right now. I got there and found DEAD BODIES, no? their groaning,

"What the fuck happened here?!" I left my skate board there and rushed around to see where y/n was.. I looked around... throwing my head everywhere and I found her. 

She barely had a scratch on her, she didn't do this by herself, I checked her pulse but was surprised. She had the gang logo on her wrist..I ignored it and checked her pulse...

phew she's still breathing... I grabbed her by the arms and carried her home, Brooke saw me out the window as she hurriedly ran down the stairs and opened the door for me, 

We rushed her in and ran upstairs, I softly placed her on the bed.

"tsk, out of all people.. you." I grumbled and left the room, I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a towel in a bowl of cold water and rushed up into my room again. 

But I stopped as the door was opened? I swear I closed it... I leaned agains the door and heard Brooke and Y/N talking.

"Are you ok?" Brooke asked,

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" Y/n chuckled.

"I never knew you were a gang leader" Brooke said,

"Good. I didn't want people to know... I guess i'm back in business huh..." She chuckled. 

"Can you tell me what happened?" Brooke asked,

"No." Dead ass no.


"fine... but if you tell anyone I will seriously slit you're throat" She warned.

[Y/n's p.ov]


"Leader! They captured your little brother and currently they are now torturing him" My gang member shouted as I was smoking a cigarette.

"What!?" I shouted I stood up from my chair and stormed out the room.  

"I-It's a trap!" Everyone shouted but I couldn't hear nothing, my mind was blank all I could think of was my innocent little brother. 

I bashed everyone I saw and was finally at the unknown area, the place was dark as then one by one light shone bringing people into the spot light,

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