The beginning...

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Everywhere I go: I see normal teenagers, normal kids; All going about their exciting lives that they have coming into play that Saturday or what fun they had doing something I will never have the opportunity to do. I sit back and listen to them...not knowing what it was like having a good life anymore. All I recall was the sweet smell of honey suckles and the feel of the wind as it kissed my cheek so gently. I remember Hailey...Oh sweet little Hailey...

How she used to run around the yard as if she was chasing after her dreams, like she had not a care in the world. She always had that perfect cute little smile on her face, that even made the sun seem brighter that day. 

I recall my little brother, Dawson. He always played his video games or ran outside our ol' farm house, playing with anything that caught his eye. 

I can still feel the tickling sweat ease down my cheeks while me and my cousins, Nick and Antonio, walked down our small, but to us,long country road that seemed to take us nowhere, but we never cared anyways. 

Mom always had the brightest lipstick on that she could find while she would always keep a close eye on mischievous little Hailey. Autumn would pass by with the comforting smell of the pumpkins ripening and mom's Thanksgiving cooking, letting us all know we always had a home there even though that house was on it's last years itself. 

When winter would brush it's way in, me and my siblings would snuggle under pillow forts and watch our favorite Disney movies and drink hot chocolate until we about threw it all up from laughing by the thought of the funny things we might get at Christmas time.

To me, that old farm house in Austin Indiana will always seem like home. I was raised in the country nearly on the same road: The same place where I said my first words while that rusted, dusty old fan cooled the house in the hot summer months after July. 

Just before the humidity could blow through Indiana in 2014, my mother began to notice that poor, young Hailey wasn't her usual little self anymore. Outside, me and my brother would play and hang out without her feeling sad, wondering if she was sick because the peculiar things she was doing. 

As summer hit, the sickness hit Hailey even harder. So hard in fact that we had to go to the hospital way upstate to get some answers. Momma thought it was Hailey's kidneys acting up again, since she was born with a troubled kidney, which could lead to Hailey becoming sick at times. Not even 3 days later, after and long and tiring doctor appointments and scans, mother got a phone call one afternoon. She wasn't expecting that the doctors would tell her that her daughter is sick because she has a rare blood disease, but they did. 

That's when everything changed...... 

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