The God, Selfie Dad Give a Rye-flower Something?

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"Young what?", I blurted out before I could stop myself. The corner of the man's mouth curved slightly upwards and he glanced at the others. The three boys and two girls left the room and the lady by my side went over to sit beside the man.

"I know you are probably very confused right now", understatement of the year, "And I get it if you want to get out of here as soon as possible-" another understatement,"But I need you to hear me out first." I raised my hand,"I have questions."

"I expected as much."

I drew in a breath. "Who am I?"

"I think you are more capable of answering that question than I am at this moment." The hard and calculating look on his face softened. He had probably gone over this process many times. I leaned back into the chair, not dropping my gaze. "I am Annalize Hunter -" The man's eyes flashed with something I wasn't very sure of. Could've been surprise or alarm. The woman, however simply stared at me with wide eyes and a slacked jaw. Choosing to ignore it, I went on, "and I turned sixteen on 18th January, a few days ago. That night, when I was sleeping, I dreamt that I was running in some sort of a tunnel and all of a sudden, I fell into a deep chasm. When I woke up, I was in an orchard. That's where I met those two mastiffs and now I am here." I finished with a wave of my hand.

I left out the part where I was woken up by someone for two reasons. One, I wasn't sure if it was even real, and two, there was something very private about that voice, and those caresses, meant only for me....

"Oh! How thoughtless of me! My name is Dorian Kraketor and this is my wife, Ursula. We run this academy." I nodded, not completely paying attention. "Yeah, what is it called again? Something like the god selfie dad, give a rye-flower?"

The wom- I mean Ursula clearly looked affronted while the Dorian peered at me through his glasses, looking highly amused. "It's called Deigrod Sefydliad ar Gyfer Rhyfelwyr, little girl."

"The Tigers' Academy for Warriors", it came to me so naturally.

"Wait, how do I know this now?"

"All of us are hardwired to this language, but because you have been staying in the Lesser World for so long, it had become weak. Your mind is now adapting to its true ways. Thus the recognition."

"Why am I here?"

"Now, that question can be answered. I am sure you have come across many theories regarding the creation of mankind. Which one do you believe to be most likely?"

"That's easy. Humans descended from apes." I leaned forward. This was getting interesting.

"Ah! The scientific approach, I see. Not surprised at all I must say, considering where you come from." I frowned at that, but let it slide for the moment. "I will tell you the difference between human and humanoid. Everyone you have encountered in your life until now belong to the former category, while we happen to be in the latter."

I gave him a look whichclearly said I wasn't buying it. He sighed, "Aeons ago, when the Earth was still barren, there took place the Great Shift. Differnt dimensions evolved, parallel to each other, each resplendent in its own beauty, all of them looking up at the sky. There are nine of them, the dimensions. What each on is and who they represent is for another time, but I shall let you know that the humans have their own dimension, Terra, and this is not it. We, on the other hands have descended from the primordial gods Denora and Oderus. Well, that would be most of us, but some families pay homage to other gods as well."

"I know I was adopted, but from another dimension? Is that even posible?"

Dorian looked at me square in the eyes, enunciating each word in a low and serious voice. "There is only one possibiity for that . Your parents must have left you there. For your safety, probably. No human can venture into any of the other dimension. Firstly, it is really hard to find a portal and even if a human did find one, dimension travel would burn the body from inside. We can travel through dinensions because of the godly essence that exist in us."

My mind was reeling from all this information. It would have been nice to faimt and wake up after a day or two to see if anything changed. But that's what a human would do, I thought bitterly, and I am not even one. Why was I left in a totally different dimension? Was it for my safety, as Dorian had stated? But what was so dangerous that my birth parents thought I wasn't safe with them? Or maybe they just didn't want me...

'Or maybe you have watched one too many movies', said a voice in my head. I was glad that my head was bowed down so the two people in front of me wouldn't be able to see the small involuntary smile that formed on my lips. Chocochip was back and even if he was probably just a figment of my imagination, I could really use a formless voice to talk to.

A hand on my shoulder jerked me back to the real world. I looked up to see Ursula looking at me with a small smile on her face. "Don't worry too much. Everything is going to be alright." She looked at her husband and said, "That's enough for today. Let's have dinner." No more words were said after that. Dorian walked out of the room with a curt nod in my direction.

Ursula wrapped her ars around my shoulder and led me out. "The Academy is currently closed foer holidays. It opens only after two weeks and that's when all the students will be back. You, on the other hand, can stay here as long as you want. I know you have lot going on in your mind right now. I will show you your room and have dinner sent. How does grilled cheese sandwich, cookies and a glass of milk sound?" she asked me as we walked away.


From afar...

I was sitting in my chamber, relaxing with a book after a refreshing hunt with my brothers and best friend, when my mind subconsciously reached out to the blonde beauty I had seen in the meadow.

I couldn't pull out any thoughts from her, but she overflowing with uncertainity and doubt. She must have reached an Academy and things must have been explained to her. After a few moments of concentration and headache, I broke into her mind and heard ".....didn't want me..."

I frowned. This just wouldnt do know Reilyan should ever feel that way. I didn't know the context so I hazerded a guess. "Or maybe you have watched one too many movies." Soon enough, all the other emotions were replaced by content and happiness.

I smiled inwardly. My work was done.

I went back to my book

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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