10-Blood thirsty

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It's been a week since I've been released from the basement and a week full of sex and guilt.

I watch Justin prance around the house, correcting each slightly crooked picture and pulling at the perfectly clean carpet, frantically staring and jabbing at the carpet, repeatedly making trips back and forth to the trash can to dispose of invisible trash. During the day, he hardly glances at me, but by night time the blood and sex comes out.

OCD by day, S&M by night.

I shiver at the different types of animal blood I've been forced to bath in at night before sex, only aloud to have a shower when he's gone to bed. But he seems to know everything, every move I make to a door or window is answered with a 'step back a few inches darling'.

My frustration is at it's peek. I want my Caleb, I'm worried, so worried about him. My heart once again, tightens with fear of what I know is happening to him, I just hope they keep him alive.

A sudden eruption of owl hoots signal it's ten o'clock, Justin's attention immediately moving to me instead of his carpet. His skinny arms I could break so easily slide around my neck from behind, his body pressing into my back. "Gregory." He purrs.


It's been an hour since he fell asleep, but I know he isn't fully asleep. I watch him silently, glancing around the room for a weapon, this would be my last night here, I was damn sure of it. I had had enough.

My hand slides around an expensive looking lamp, the metal cool against my eager sweating skin. Justin's breath suddenly drops and I know he's out. Slowly lifting myself up, I tug the lamp toward me, wincing when it runs of cord and scraps against the bed rail. Justin doesn't move. Grabbing the wire connecting to the lamp, I tug hard, ripping it from the lamp.

With out a shred of thought or consideration, I slam the base of the heavy lamp into Justin's temple, immediately satisfied with the gasp of pain escaping his lips and a small crack coming from his skull.

Red rage clouds my eye sight and I slam it down again, and again, ignoring Justin's screams and the blood splattering onto me, finally stopping when silence fills the room.

The side of Justin's head is smashed beyond recognition, his eyes closed and mouth open, blood steadily pooling around him. But he's not dead, I can still see his chest heaving. Grabbing his neck, I throw him from the bed and drag him to the bathroom, filling the rub with burning hot water. When it's filled, I pull his body into it, ignoring the small shriek coming from him. He weakly tries to lift himself out, but I push his face under the water, ignoring the burning sensation on my arms. My red rage seems to fade as he goes still. Standing up, I step into the bloody water and stand under the hot water, letting it wash away pig blood from my body.

After I feel as if in clean enough, I step from the shower and take Justin's clothes to dress myself.

An immediate thought strikes me. I should call my parents, tell them to send cops to Caleb's home. I want to kill them, but it's selfish of me to let Caleb suffer for another day until I get there.

Walking to Justin's home phone, I dial my fathers cell phone. His voice is thick with familiar tears. "Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Greg dad."

A sob rips from his throat. "Greg! Where are you?! So much has happened and-"

I tell him Justin's address. "Dad, you need to send the police to Caleb's house, his parents are-"

"Greg, Caleb killed his parents yesterday. He tried to kill himself after." My father whispers softly.

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