2-sky blue hoodie

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Greg's POV

"I don't think it's right for a man to hit a woman." I reply to our conversation.

Caleb rolls his eyes. "I don't believe in the whole sexist hitting thing. Why can't a man hit a woman?"

This isn't how I planned our second day of school lunch, talking about domestic violence.

"But women are smaller and weaker than a man." I object.

Caleb huffs. "No, I'm pretty sure I'm smaller than half the girls in this school. If one of those gorillas hit me, wouldn't I have the right to hit them back? People tend to forget not all guys are large and hulk like, and not all girls are tiny and weak. The whole 'a girl can hit you but you can't hit back' thing died when women started to get rights. That's when they became independent and figured out they could get strong or whatever. There's women who can clearly kick a guys ass, if the guy was me, I'd slap her back."

Caleb actually made a good point. "But I still don't believe a man should hit a smaller woman."

Caleb's eyes sparkle and he giggles. "But what if she's a crazy one? Or, what if a homophobic woman is making fun of a gay couple? In fact, one of them started to cry. I'd slap them."

I laugh. "Alright, you got me there. Lets not talk about women and men hitting each other anymore."

"I had fun at your house yesterday." Caleb smiles. "I love chunky."

Chunky is a cat we had adopted three years ago, he's seriously fat, hence his name.

"Chunky loves anyone that shares their chicken nuggets with him." I grin, hinting at Caleb who basically, trace like, shoved chicken nuggets at the cat.

"He looked hungry." Caleb defends himself.

"There's Always food in fatties bowl."

The be rings making Caleb jump. After yesterday night, he's defiantly opened up to me. But he's quiet around others, it makes me proud. And a bit possessive.

"Lets go." I smile.


The same needy feeling hits me towards the end of eighth period, as it has all week. That's right. It's Friday.

But the feeling of protection is strong today. There's still ten minutes until class ends though. But it's clawing at me, begging me to check on Caleb, my Caleb.

"Coach!" I shout. "I need to go to the bathroom."

I lean against the gate surrounding the bleachers panting. I loved track.

"Can't you wait the ten minutes?" He growls.

"Do you really want me to shit the track? And while running?" I dare.

His nose wrinkles. "Go."

Pushing myself from the fence, I take off running towards the arts building. Our school has two separate buildings, the regular class's, and then the arts building which contains out theatre club, drama club, art, choir, and whatever else there is.

I slide to a stop at the door, sweat pouring from my face and arms. My track shirt sticks to my chest uncomfortably and I pull at it before opening the door. My shoes squeak on the floors as I make my routine way to Caleb's art room. Knocking on the door I wait for Miss Crain to open it.

"How can I help you?" She asked as she opens the door. Her nose wrinkles in disgust when she smells me.

"Sorry, track." I grin plucking at my swear soaked shirt. Glancing at the clock in the hall, there was still five minutes left of school. "Can I speak with Caleb? It'll probably take the rest of class so can he just bring his things?"

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