12-Forgiveness makes a heart whole

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Chapter twelve


I press myself closer to Greg, his skin like the best sanitizer. When he's touching me, I forget how my fathers hurt me and touched me.

Even his fingers brushing against my arm makes my mind go blank, the blood, the tears-they all go away. All that matters is that Greg is with me, he looks past my past and pulls me toward the future.

Trailing my fingers along Greg's tear streaked face, I sigh in happiness. Not for his tears, no, of course not. Happy for him to be with me again, for his patience, his love and guidance to a better future.

For his inspiration

For his bravery

For his will to go on

For his will to pick me up

For his will to add my problems to his ever growing list.

For his love.

The fact that he even loves me shocks me to the core. I'm ruined, tainted, broken, and yet he's taken me into his embrace and home and repainted me with fresh colors, smoothed out my edgy texture into something beautiful and pieced me back together.

I love him too, much more than anyone could ever love anyone.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice mumbles from the door.

Looking up, must be one of the biggest shocks I've ever had.

A shy looking Jessica and Thomas stand at the door, both have red eyes and faces of regret. "Come in." I mumble blankly. Are they here to hurt us more?

Jessica promptly bursts into tears and Thomas looks quick to follow. Jessica walks quickly to our bed as Greg opens his eyes, wrapping both of us in a hug.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for all of my actions and words I've said! I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused you! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! When I saw your pictures on tv two weeks ago, missing teenagers, and Mr, Hightower kidnapping you; I just. I felt so guilty! Please tell me you forgive me! I hate myself for treating you two so horribly! I don't care if you don't want me! I don't care if you're gay! I don't care! I care about you living and breathing! I want you to live without remembering my cruel words, I don't want you to look back at your high school years and see my ugly bitchy face and remember my cruel words! I want you to remember only happy things!"

Thomas steps toward us, tears dripping down his face silently. "Greg, Caleb, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, please. I regret my actions and words I don't care about your sexuality or looks or hobbies, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

Brighter Greg or I can speak, we simply watch the pair sob heart wrenching sobs. Greg tightens his hand on mine. "I forgive you."

Jessica only sobs harder and Thomas drops heavily to his knees and hands. "Thank you so much Greg." He cries. "I'm so sorry."

Cupping Jessica's face, I pull her messy face up to mine before smiling. "I forgive both of you." I my lips against her forehead and sigh. "This means a lot to me for both of you to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Thank you."

After about an hour, both have calmed down and left, leaving me to burst into tears alone with Greg. And I'm not the only one, tears slide down Greg's face too.

Were both feeling the same. We're happy. We're sad. We're scared. We're worried. We're excited. We're depressed. We're ready.

We're ready for the future.


AN/ this chapter was really short c: but there's probably only a chapter left. Then maybe a tiny ever after story. (I totally forgot the word for it xD)

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