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(Three Days Previously...)

Dean was jolted awake by the sound of his other, other cell going off. He opened his eyelids and reached out and took hold of his cell, checking to see who was calling. It was his dad. Dean jumped up, sitting up straight in his hotel bed, Sam on the bed a few feet away from him, still asleep. He answered.



"Yeah, dad?"

"I've got this case down in Louisiana, and I'm still hunting this freaking rugaroo. I need you and Sammy take this one."

"Yes sir."

"Several middle-aged men have gone missing in a small town named Hackensaw. They left no traces, all nomadic. None of them had close relations with family members or girlfriends, either."

"Any idea what we're up against?"

"That's just it. It could be tons of things. There's just no way to tell unless you see it firsthand or investigate further. You think you and Sam can handle it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Be careful."

"I wi- the call ended.

Dean sighed as he rubbed his hand against the stubble on his face, looking over at Sammy, who was still sleeping. He figured he'd go out and get a bite to eat and see if his brother was up then. His little brother had always been a late-riser. Dean threw on his shoes and coat, and walked out the door, making sure he didn't forget the keys to his precious baby. He opened the door and felt the crisp chill of winter air hit his face.

Isn't it lovely being in Minnesota during the winter? he thought to himself as he made sure to lock the door behind him.

He walked out to the parking lot, fondling the keys to the Impala in one hand, and the other was stuffed tightly in his coat pocket. The only thing he was glad about going to Louisiana was that at least he wouldn't be freezing.

He opened the door, taking in a whiff of the seats and bathed in its beauty. He had bascally grown up in this car, and it was almost like a home to him. He sat down in the driver's seat, adjusting it because Sam always seemed to think that he sat too far back, which, in his head, was completely ridiculous. When he watched Sam driving it it almost made him burst into laughter. Sam would always put the seat so far up that he couldn't even relax. It was almost like Sam was taking his drivers test all over again, which Dean had aced on the first try.

Dean got back to the "real world" and decided he'd better get going before he spends too much time thinking about all of the instances where Sam had done something different than he had (which was almost all the time). Dean started the Impala, taking a second to listen to its engine purr. He would always sit there for a few seconds, admiring how much of a good job he had done in fixing her up after all of the years she had been driven. He shifted her into drive and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to the nearest place that had pie. Pie. The thought of it nearly made his mouth drool. He could live off of pie for the rest of his life, if he could ever be so fortunate. He found the nearest place and pulled in hard, causing the driver of the car on the other side of the road to honk his horn and stick up his middle finger. While turning, he looked back at the man and laughed because although he did not hear it, he saw the man shout, "ASSHOLE!!" The thought of this made a grin spread across his face.

He parked the Impala and got out, feeling the chill of the cold air once more. He walked to the front of the diner. It was called "Julie's Slice of Heaven." Dean opened the door and was relieved to feel the heat hit him. He was glad that they at least had heat. He opened it a bit further and heard a bell that was attached to the door ring. He let go of the door, letting it close behind him. He sat down at the nearest table, and almost instantly a waitress approached him.

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