The Devils Daughter

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"Hello dear"

"What errand do you need me to run now dad" I ask rolling my eyes as I walk into the room

"Rose, I'm just trying to be nice" He replies rubbing his face

"Whatever" I mumble

"Mumble all you want" He says, instantly appearing in front of me

"Just give me the job" I interrupt him as we both slightly glare at each other.

Sighing he turns away and says one word


As I turn and walk out of the huge room I can hear him say "I'm trying Persephone, I really am"

"Yea whatever dad" I whisper walking down the hallway.

So by now, you're probably wondering who I am. Well, my name is Rose I'm 17 years old, female, long dark hair, green eyes, yada yada, and daughter of Hades, yep god of the Underworld.

Yea sounds awesome right, well sometimes it has its perks like I have magic, awesome magic. But all magic comes with a price, like one of them being, I have to run errands for my dad.

They are usually not fun for me. One example is making people pay the debt they owe to my father, a life for a life, favor for a favor. That's what I do most of the time.

But living here does have its perks like my two best friends.

Speaking of the devils I spot them, my two favorite people, Jake and Drew propped against the wall waiting for me, and as always, they are bickering, Drew's short hair combed back and Jakes shoulder length hair falling over his face. As they see me coming they stop bickering and stare at me.

"Don't argue boys, your both pretty" I say winking at both of them

Drew pushes himself off the wall rolling his eyes

"Yea I know I am, but Drew, yea not so much" Jake says

And then they go back to bickering..

"Boys!" I snap "You sound like two old ladies arguing, Shut up"

They both stop and stare at me, surprise written on their faces. Drew walks towards me suspicion showing in his eyes.

"What is it this time Rose" He asked

"Pan" I reply

They both groan

"Again? How many times do we have to do this?" Jake asks "Cant your dad just do it?"

"No, and until Pan gets it in his bloody, thick, annoying skulled head that he has a debt he needs to pay" I reply anger rising.

"Hey calm down Ro" Drew says putting his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down.

Sighing I drag my hands down my face "I'm sorry guys I'm just tired of doing this over and over again"

"Let's just get it done with then" Jake says pushing off the wall

Sighing again I turn and walk down the dark hallway to my room, both of them following beside me and splitting off into their own rooms. I open my door and silently close it behind me resting my head on it.

Why does it always have to be Pan?

Pan or Peter Pan is the green-eyed deviously handsome, thick-skulled idiot, who we have been going after for months. Every week it's the same, go see Pan, get the girl, not get the girl, and come back to the underworld, repeat. I'm just growing tired of it.

You see Pan has this girl, she's apparently a very powerful girl, and my dad wants her not just because he WANTS her for her power, but also because Pan has a debt. He brought someone back to life with magic, and that is a steep price, a life for a life.

And that is why my father wants the girl. He wants his debt paid, he needs it actually. And I, his daughter, must get her. But of course, it's not easy Pan wants to keep her, probably fell in love with the fool. So we go round and round every week sometimes days. He never gives up, I never give up.

My dad should just smolder him.

Haha just kidding.


Turning from the door I slowly walk towards my mirror, I raise my hand bringing a cloud of black smoke up with it, changing my outfit, from casual to "time to pay your debt". See magic does have its perks, I mean I just changed and my hair is braided in under 2 seconds.

Checking one last time to make sure everything looks good I walk out of the room and wait for my boys.

Drew comes out first in his black pants, shirt, and long leather jacket, Jake following seconds later in his black leather pants, black V-neck top and long black leather trench coat with his hood up and black bandana on his throat.

Always looking good.

"Let's do this" I say nodding as I briskly turn and start to walk down the hallway as they flank me our boots clicking on the tile floor. I take a sharp left and come to the door. The door itself scares whoever is around it, its huge and really intimidation, It's all black with silver detailed images in the metal and at the top a rose. The feeling it gives off just feels weird.

Slowly I put my hand on the handles and open it as only I can because it's sealed with blood magic, I walk in to see the portal all ready. Green swirling abyss. I can already smell the scent of the ocean, as the wind whips my braid around, I can taste the salt on my lips.

"Let's hope this is the last time we go to Neverland." Jake says motioning for me to go first.

I nod at them and jump through the portal truly hoping it is the last time because I am so done with Neverland and its "King". 

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