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Rose P.O.V

Crack! I spun around frantically searching for the source of the noises.

Something was out here, and it was out to get me.

Slowly I walk through the forest and look around

Trees that's all I see is trees and green


I turn around right behind is a black cloaked figure

What the-

Suddenly it disappears and in that next second its standing right in front of me, face to face.

I scream

Sitting up I cry out gasping for air and fall back into the bed-

Wait what?!

"Rose?" I hear a very annoyingly familiar voice say

I sit back up and throw my legs off the bed and come face to face with Pan. Suddenly everything comes back to me.

My father traded me.

For her

I look up at my captor and glare at him. He just chuckles at me smirking.

"Where's Drew and Jake Pan" I Glare at him standing up "I swear if you hurt them I will kill you"

"They left you" He grins evilly at me, standing up forcing me to look up at him "They took the girl and left you"

"No, you're lying"

"Why would I lie to you? They made a deal with your father, they leave you and they get their freedom"

My face pales as I remember hearing a conversation between the boys and my father before. But I had only heard something about them earning their freedom, I didn't think that would mean leavening me. I certainly didn't think they would ever leave me. But then again, they had reasons to leave, family and people they loved to go back too. Suddenly dark thoughts enter my head and all I can think about is them leaving me because everyone I love always ends up leaving me.

Then suddenly I get an overwhelming feeling in my heart. My chest starts to hurt and I feel like I can't breathe. I'm trapped here, they all left me. They always do. I feel tears prick my eyes as my breathing accelerates.

Pans face pales as I start to gasp for air and I start to fall to the floor. But thankfully Pan catches me and lowers me gently to the ground.

"Rose! Rose look at me!" He yells, practically forcing my chin up to look at him.

What the hell is happening to me!

"Breath with me, in out, in out" He tells me over and over as I struggle to watch him and his breathing.

I finally catch my breath and fall against his chest, sweating and crying. I just sit there, all I can think about is them leaving me.

I am alone

That thought struck me and it broke me. I just cried. The people I thought loved me most didn't, they just left. I knew my father was capable of this, but Jake and Drew? I thought they would never leave me. But I was wrong. And here I am crying in the arms of the enemy as he holds me awkwardly.

I am alone..

Drew's P.O.V


Jake and I were just waiting for Rose to come back when suddenly we were transported back to the portal.

"What in Hades" Jake mumbles


We both turn around towards the noise and see Felix and some girl walking towards us.

"Hello, boys" Felix says as a good 10 lost boys come out of the woods, following him.

"Where is Rose" I growl

"She's safe. This is Skyler, she's the girl Hades wants, take her and go"

"What about Rose" Jake asks

"We are not leaving without her" I add

"Hades made a deal, her" He says shoving the girl towards us "For Rose"


"Take her and go" He says again turning to walk away

"No!" I shout "We are not leaving without Rose"

He turns around slowly, and then he is suddenly in my face.

"Hades made a deal" He says annoyingly slow "Don't make me make you go into that portal"

"And Rose seemed just fine with Pan, they seemed to be getting pretty comfy"

What no

"She would never do that!" I shout at him

She wouldn't, she can't.

"She did, so I suggest you leave" He turns back to us "NOW!"

"NO" I yell at him "Not without Rose"

"Fine guess we have to do this the hard way, well easy for me hard for you"

Suddenly a blast of wind hits us and we go flying back into the portal, the girl coming with us.

"NO" I scream as Neverland disappears

Rose's P.O.V

As I cry into his chest I suddenly realize what I am doing. Quickly I push away and stand up and walk to the window and look out ignoring him. I hear him stand up and him walking over to me. I put my hand up still looking out the window and shake my head. I know I made him mad because I can feel it.

"You have half an hour to change and to be down in the camp, I will introduce you to the boys and then have a celebration in your honor"

I turn to reply but he is already walking away. I groan and walk over to the bed and throw myself down onto it.

I don't want to go to some dumb party.

I groan again as a note appears beside me.

The clock is ticking love,

15 minutes now, hurry up the boys and I are waiting.

And wear something nice.


I roll my eyes and burn the note in my hand letting the ashes fall to the ground. That's the first time I notice the bracelet on my wrist. I quickly try to remove it with no luck and realize its one of the stupid magic bracelets that only the owner can remove. They are supposed to block magic, but how did I just burn that piece of paper then? I opened my hand and lit a little fire in my palm, it glowed in the dimness of the tent.

Why did that work? Slowly I closed my palm and looked at the bracelet utterly confused. Maybe it was broken, I guess I shouldn't even care because I still had my magic now I could get out of here. My heart clenched in my chest as I realized I didn't really have anywhere to go. Closing my eyes fighting back tears, I took a deep breath.

Well as long as am stuck here might as well give them hell

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