Life on North Street

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Breanna’s POV 

Note:   When you see this () it means that there is a time lapse.

Oh hell no! I turned right in the direction of the voice and saw Jacob with a big ass smile on his face as he moves his desk closer to mine.

Ms. Peay: Ok we are about to start a major project that determines if you pass this class. You and your partner will study each other lives. You both will write reports about that person and present them to the class. This is very time consuming so I suggest that you all start soon.

Jacob: Meet me by my car after school and we can go to my house and start.

Before I could refuse the idea, the bell rung and Jacob left for his next class.

After putting my books in my locker, I went to meet Jacob in the parking lot. Surprisingly his car was parked in the same place it was this morning. As I approached it, I saw him leaning against the side of his car. He opened the door for me and then went and got in on his side.

The drive to his house was completely silent except for the songs that were playing on the radio, Sweet Love came on as we came to a stop light and I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my head.  I was beginning to feel uncomfortable so I changed the station and Money Baby came on- much better.

Jacob: I don’t remember saying that you could touch my radio.

Breanna: But I did and the light is green so carry on.

We drove the rest of the way there in continued silence as the song played in the background. About five minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of a two-story white house. I must say his house was beautiful.

I grabbed my bag and followed him up the sidewalk. He opened the door with his key and gestured for me to follow him.

Jacob: Mom we’re home!

Mom: Who is we?

I watched as a Mexican woman appeared from what seemed to be the kitchen; she was wearing a red and white apron around her waist. She put on a warm smile when she saw me standing beside Jacob.

Mom: Jacob es esta tu novia? (Jacob is this your girlfriend?)

Jacob: No mamá es mi amiga Breanna. (No mom this is my friend Breanna.)

Breanna: Yo sólo estoy aquí para trabajar en un proyecto para nuestra clase de Inglés. (I’m just here to work on a project for our English class.)

Jacob turned to face me with a confused expression while I received an approving one from his mom.

Mom: You can speak Spanish?

Bre: Just a little, I’m in the advanced Spanish class at our school.

Mom: It’s so nice to see young people adapt a new culture.

Jacob: Okay me and Breanna are going to go now.

Mom: Wait, I made some snacks, Breanna would you like some?

I quickly glanced as Jacob and saw that he was giving me a look that told me to accept the offer.

Breanna: Yes thank you.

Mom: Great, Jacob show her where the bathroom is so she can freshen up.

He led me to a white and green bathroom; I washed my hands and fixed my hair before going back downstairs.  I found the kitchen but stopped when I heard Jacob and his mom mention me in their conversation.

Mom: So I see that you already have a girlfriend.

Jacob: No she is my friend who is here to work on an assignment with me.

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