Chapter 2 ~ Happy Birthday

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When I woke up the next morning, I was in Malfoy's bed. I looked over and saw that he was still sleeping. He looked so innocent and peaceful when he was sleeping. I found it quite cute, actually. Wait, what the hell was I saying? Maybe those plants I was around last night really got to me.

Feeling his arm around me, I carefully moved it away and got out of his bed and started creeping to the door. I stopped, turned back around, and smiled weakly at him.

When I closed the door behind me, I realized what day it was when I looked at his calendar on the way out. My name was written and circled on the last day of July, which was today.

Today was July 31st. My birthday. I turned sixteen today and so did Harry. I wanted to be happy about today, but what was really happy about it? I didn't even get my brother a present. I hadn't been able to write to him all summer and now was my chance. I grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment, sat down at the desk in my room, and began writing.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday, brother! Can you believe we're already sixteen? I can't. I was hoping we would have a big party at the Burrow, but I guess that won't be happening. I hope Dudley isn't giving you a hard time over there. I'd give him a piece of my mind if I saw him again. I've been having nightmares again. They're all about Sirius. Seeing him die over and over again is really getting me into trouble over here. I keep waking up Lucius every night. He ended up kicking me out of the house for the rest of the night. But Malfoy came and let me stay in his room.

I'm sorry I didn't get you a present. I promise that I will get you something when we return to Hogwarts. Love you, and please write back.


I placed the letter in an envelope and wrote Harry's name on the front. I stole Hedwig from Lucius' bedroom and quickly sent the letter out for Hedwig to give. Lucius was still asleep, thank Merlin for that. But his wife was not in bed, which meant she would notice that Hedwig was missing.

"Maxine." I heard her voice, knowing that she was behind me. "Wake up Draco, will you?"

I nodded and went back into his room to wake him up. I saw that he went back to sleep after I left.

"Draco, wake up." I shook him, waiting for him to wake up. "Get up, Draco."

"Five more minutes," he groaned while turning around, facing his back towards me.

"You mother sent me in here to wake you up," I informed him. "Draco, get up." He still wouldn't get up. "Draco--"

His arm flew towards me, but I dodged it, only finding myself falling off the bed and hitting the nightstand in the process.

"FUCK!" I cried. I covered my bloody nose and fell to the floor.

Draco rolled over and saw me on the floor. "Shit! Are you alright?"

"No," I groaned.

"Here, let me clean that up for you." He ran out of his room and came back with a washcloth. He attempted to clean my nose, but I was being stubborn about it. "Stop moving."

"It hurts," I said.

"Well, let me clean it up and it won't hurt anymore." He started gently dabbing at my nose. I winced each time he dabbed at it.

"Are you almost done?" I inquired.

"Yes," he replied. "I didn't mean to--"

"I know. Just wake up next time when I ask you to."

He chuckled. "Sounds fair to me. There, I'm done." We both got up and I went over to his mirror and looked at my reflection.

"Thanks," I muttered.

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