Chapter 8 - Jog

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The next few weeks went smoothly and nobody noticed that me and jake were a couple, until someone found out. The rumour passed around the school and eventually reached jog The school bully. He was a crocodile, always with gold chains and some kind of bling bling on him. One day I headed out of the classroom with jake, as jog greeted us at the exit. "So what do we have here?" He asked. Me and jake made eye contact and went on not deciding to say anything. BIG MISTAKE!!! Jog took ahold of jakes fur and held him back. I wanted to rush back to help him, but one of jog's companions held me where i was. Jog started laughing. "Look at little furfag trying to get to his lover" I immediately filled with rage and adrenaline, thus kicking jog's companion in the testicles. He ran right away and I charged right at jog. With full force i landed a direct hit into his stomach. He yelled in pain, letting jake go. I told jake to hide. He ran away and gave me a secret hand-signal for point beta. As jog stood up and ran towards me the classroom door opened and he ran right into it. The teacher came out and saw that jog wanted to attack me. Se took jog to the principals office and i got a look from jog that said: next time furfag.

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