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I call upon Melinoe, saffron-cloaked nymph of the earth,
To whom august Persephone gave birth by the mouth of the Kokytos,
Upon the sacred bed of Zeus
He lied to Plouton and through treachery mated with Persephone,
Whose skin when she was pregnant he mangled in anger.
She drives mortals to madness with her airy phantoms,
As she appears in weird shapes and forms,
Now plain to the eye, now shadowy, now shining in the darkness,
And all this in hostile encounters in the gloom of night.
But, goddess and queen of those below, I beseech you,
To banish the soul's frenzy to the ends of the earth,
and show a kindly and holy face to the initiates. ❞

Melinoe: goddess of the ghosts. he who she sees at night shall quiver in his place for she shall strike fear into thy heart as she wanders the earth at night with her train of ghosts inflicting nightmares and darkness.

❝ She drives mortals to madness with her airy phantoms,As she appears in weird shapes and forms,Now plain to the eye, now shadowy, now shining in the darkness,And all this in hostile encounters in the gloom of night

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❝ She drives mortals to madness with her airy phantoms,
As she appears in weird shapes and forms,
Now plain to the eye, now shadowy, now shining in the darkness,
And all this in hostile encounters in the gloom of night.

She, a frightful underworld Goddess, 
who presided over the propitiations offered to the ghosts of the dead. 
She wandered the earth at night with a retinue of ghosts, 
striking fear into the hearts of mankind. ❞

What shall happen when a certain dark minded goddess rises from hell and takes a certain interest in the one and only damon salvatore?

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What shall happen when a certain dark minded goddess rises from hell and takes a certain interest in the one and only damon salvatore?

What shall happen when a certain dark minded goddess rises from hell and takes a certain interest in the one and only damon salvatore?

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